ghost shrip

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ghost shrip

Post by yeattsca »

Do ghost shrip help keep plants health? Can they live peacefully with rainbow sharks? Do they work as well as plecos? :?
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Re: ghost shrip

Post by Mike_Noren »

yeattsca wrote:Do ghost shrip help keep plants health? Can they live peacefully with rainbow sharks? Do they work as well as plecos? :?
In the US "ghost shrimp" are generally species of Palaemonetes, which are peaceful and hardy janitors, but don't eat algae. May or may not be able to survive with rainbow sharks (I'd guess they will).

However, there is also a possibility the "ghost shrimp" are some species of Macrobrachium, and they're as a rule not safe with fish - ie, they're fish eaters. Although rainbows might be fast & tough enough to avoid at least smaller species of Macrobrachium.

In short the answers are: "Not in the sense they eat algae"; "It depends"; and "they clean up leftovers, but don't eat algae".
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Re: ghost shrip

Post by yeattsca »

Thanks that helps alot :D .
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Re: ghost shrip

Post by hotsauce4887 »

Ghost shrimp will not take care of plants and they are probaly not fast enough to get away from the rainbow shark before it devoures it.No they are no where as good as plecos,they do not eat algae unless you starve them.I'm pretty sure they were sold to you as feeder shrimp for carnivores and omnivores like cichlids,FW sharks and other preadtorial fish.
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Re: ghost shrip

Post by hotsauce48 »

regular ghost shrimp can't " keep a plat clean "' but if you get the brzilian variety that look almost the same can clean a plant of algae.They can be bought at
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