Cycling My Tank??

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Cycling My Tank??

Post by Curby »

Just a quick question...i have re-setup my small tank it only hold 65 litres or so...but its ideal what i need it for ...iam gona put a small pair of bristlenose plecs in there...just wundering how long you guy's would leave the tank cycling for...and would adding lets say some small minnows to the tank help the process of cycling?? as its only small iam unsure on how to get a good cycle before i add my BN's??
Any advice would be great.. i set it up yesterday and its at temp now 26 degree'sC.... :?:
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Re: Cycling My Tank??

Post by hotsauce48 »

you can'y have bristlenose plecs in there.BNs need a 30 gallon tank for themselves,and if you want to add another,the tank should be a 55 or 60 gallon your tank is only 17.18 gallons.I know some people keep one in a 10 gallon but they are very territorial whether its a pair or whatever.But if you still want info before you recomend buying a new tank just throw a bunch of anacharis in there and leave it for a couple of days and put in plant fertilizer and tetra safe with a bio filter.Your tank is an 14.31 Uk gallons.
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