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L134 sexing

Posted: 02 Jan 2009, 17:08
by redwood
I just bought these 5 wild caught Leopard Frog catfish (L134's) at my LFS. I think I may have 4 females and 1 male - my assessment is that the central fish is the only male because the first spine of the pectoral fins are slightly thicker and the body profile is slightly slimmer than the others. The fish range in size from 5.5 to 6.75cm excluding tail so I assume not mature enough to show bristles on cheek or rear of male yet.

Any thoughts (or contary views) on the sexing of the fish is more than welcome!

I may go back to the shop and try to pick an extra male - as they are quite expensive fish I would appreciate thoughts on the sexing first.


L134 above low res.jpg
L134 below low res.jpg

Re: L134 sexing

Posted: 03 Jan 2009, 01:51
by MatsP
I'm not very good at this, and your pictures do not show a GREAT deal of detail - so if I get it wrong, don't say I didn't warn you...

The top right (on the first picture) looks like a male - thicker pectoral fins for example.

The fish which has it's mouth right over the Pyrex logo in the first picture looks like a female.

The rest are terribly hard to say either direction.
