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Close up of L260

Posted: 11 Dec 2008, 04:02
by Holey_Rock_of_Texas
i am trying to sex my 3 adult L260's and i think i may have 1 female and i know i have 2 males. my question is can someone post a good pic of the head or a female and a male. i know on one of mine the odontodes are much shorter than the other two L260's. i want to thank you in advance for your help.
thank you,

Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 11 Dec 2008, 04:14
by racoll
Not L260, but this image of the very closely related L262 shows sexual differences well.


Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 11 Dec 2008, 09:41
by Mike_Noren
Also check belly pattern. Males have patterned bellies, females pure white. I'm told it's not a 100% reliable trait, but it did hold for my L260's.

Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 11 Dec 2008, 09:51
by MatsP
Mike_Noren wrote:Also check belly pattern. Males have patterned bellies, females pure white. I'm told it's not a 100% reliable trait, but it did hold for my L260's.
I'm pretty sure that we've established that this method is quite unreliable - it's just depending on who the parents are if they have belly pattern as males, females, both or neither.


Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 11 Dec 2008, 10:14
by Mike_Noren
I have very limited experience of L260 and can neither dispute nor confirm that, only note that it did hold for my 8 wild caught fish.

Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 11 Dec 2008, 14:58
by Holey_Rock_of_Texas
the one i think might be a female has a white belly, and the odontodes are much shorter. i have read that the odontodes on females are very small but i am curiuos to how small becuase i can still see them on this individual.
thank you,

Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 01:04
by Jon
Belly coloration is not indicative of sex. You'd be surprised at how hairy females can get, If you're unsure, it would be wise to post the pictures to verify.

Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 05:56
by Holey_Rock_of_Texas
okay. i am not really sure how to put pics on the internet on these form site but i did post the pics on my web page. here is the hyper link. thank you for your help. there are 3 individuals and only 1 has a white belly.
thank you,

Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 15:33
by Holey_Rock_of_Texas

Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 19:54
by Jon
3 is male, the first two could go either way--it'd be a good idea to condition them first to get a better perspective on the matter.

Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 23:27
by Holey_Rock_of_Texas
thats weird pleco 3 is the one with the white belly and shorter odontodes. pleco 2 and 1 both have marbled bellies and a flater head. woudl a pic at a different angle help and if so what angle. thank you for all your help.
thank you,

Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 11:28
by Mike_Noren
Well, apparently both odontodes and belly-pattern are unreliable for determining sex, and none of your fish has the distinctive plump shape of a mature female, so at this point I don't think you can get a reliable sexing of them. When they're fully grown and conditioned it should be easier to tell what sex they are.

Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 14:21
by Holey_Rock_of_Texas
yeah i they are fully grown i guess i will start to feed them more.
thank you,

Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 15:20
by Jon
If number three has far shorter odontodes than the other two, it is highly likely that you have three males.

Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 15 Dec 2008, 00:16
by Farid
hi there,
all i can tell is that
1. is a male and
2. is for sure a female!! check this large belly part....
3. is is for not L260 as 260 hat ines and not dots!


Re: Close up of L260

Posted: 15 Dec 2008, 00:22
by Mike_Noren
Farid wrote: 3. is is for not L260 as 260 hat ines and not dots!
You are mistaken; L260 has dots as well as lines.