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Neon orange cory?
Posted: 19 Jul 2003, 18:59
by chinnp
Was browsing the 'net and found a site that was selling a neon orange cory cat. I'd never seen anything like it and had no idea what it was. They offered no scientific name for the fish and after searching the 'net and this database, I was still unable to come up with what it might me. Looks like it may be a painted/dyed cory cat, but I'm not sure. I've never heard of this being done to cory's. Here's the pic from
Anyone have any ideas on what it might be?
Posted: 19 Jul 2003, 19:18
by Silurus
Posted: 20 Jul 2003, 18:04
by Yann
This species is thought to be close to Corydoras aeneus, but the number of eggs differ greatly and so is the adult size...
THey are caugt in Peru...
3 populations seems to exist: a green, a orange/red and a gold...
THey are no dyed fish but wild caught, at least most of them encoutered in shop as there are not much breeding going on so far...
Posted: 21 Jul 2003, 17:56
by Chrysichthys
FWIW my LFS had these sold as Corydoras rojo, but that species doesn't seem to exist. I agree that they're a type of C. aeneus.
Posted: 03 Aug 2003, 19:29
by Jools
Chrysichthys wrote:FWIW my LFS had these sold as Corydoras rojo, but that species doesn't seem to exist. I agree that they're a type of C. aeneus.
Rojo just means "red", so just a trade name.
Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 10:17
by xsu-xsu
I can assure, dying is done to corys. Never seen it myself, but in the Aqualog All Corydoras book there are some pictures of albino corys with red dye injected into their caudal region. The catalogue does warn that this means mistreatment!!!
Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 12:12
by Jools
xsu-xsu wrote:I can assure, dying is done to corys. Never seen it myself, but in the Aqualog All Corydoras book there are some pictures of albino corys with red dye injected into their caudal region. The catalogue does warn that this means mistreatment!!!
Yes, some corys are injected with dye. There is also a picture in the cat-elog under <I>C. aeneus</I>. What Yann was saying if you read his post closely is that this golden or red species is not dyed, I can vouch for this as I can seen this particular species almost immediately after collection.
Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 17:30
by xsu-xsu
Oh, I know that gold-stripe and the green colours are natural!!!
On the first posting, Chinn commented that he didn't know if they did things like injecting or painting to corys. I was merely stating that it does go on in corys, not that these types are not natural!!