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plec for 5g w/betta

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 17:28
by toehead11183
I'm looking for an algae bulldozer for my daughters 5g acrylic hex with her betta. Problem is, no matter how much we clean it, the 50/50 bulb, glow in the dark everything and the poor filtration(built in the hood) keep algae growing. avg temp is 75*f

Re: plec for 5g w/betta

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 17:31
by Richard B
Otocinclus seem to fit the bill :D

Re: plec for 5g w/betta

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 17:36
by Shane
IMHO there are no species of pleco that would thrive long term in a 5 gallon set up. To reduce algae you are better off reducing light (amount and duration), increasing the frequency of water changes, and feeding sparingly. Try a bulb with lower wattage and put it on a timer so it only comes on for 2-3 hours in the evening.

Re: plec for 5g w/betta

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 18:39
by toehead11183
I can always move the pleco to my 180 later. I just want something that will last a while in there

Re: plec for 5g w/betta

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 18:40
by Mike_Noren
No algae eating catfish for a 5G. Try snails instead. If it wasn't for the betta you could have tried shrimp too.