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Lethargic Peppered Cory

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 21:31
by pipers4323

Not sure what to do I noticed a day or two ago that one of my peppered cory cats is very lethargic. He is hiding under the log I have in the tank and when he is out he tends to stay in one spot. I do see him going to the top for "air" once in awhile and seems to swim fine, keeps his balance ok and I have noticed him eating. I have checked the fins, barabels and scales and there is no rot or damage at all. No visible sores and the other cory is not avoiding him. Is this just normal behavior or is there something wrong? I have never had corys before..

Tank parameters:

Eclipse 12 gallon system
Small river rock substrate
Bio-wheel filter and bubbler installed
all natural plants with a couple smooth big rocks and a wooden log
Mates: African Dwarf Frog, 1 other peppered cory, 3 leopard spotted danios (everyone gets along)
Setup for 2 months with the frog and corys and added the danios last week

Water parameters:
78 degrees
pH 7.0
Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites all at zero
25% water change every week most recently done on Saturday Nov 29 2008

I have never had corys but the other one is so active and this guy was more active until a day or two ago. Any help would be wonderful.

Re: Lethargic Peppered Cory

Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 16:10
by skaskankerbr
This unusual behavior usually is because of stress. Wether that stress is fron bacteria, other fish, the water, salt, or chemicals I don't know.
I'd move him to a new tank and treat him with medicated food or melafix. If you have no other tanks a bucket will do. Keep him in their about 3 days. Then put him back in the tank. be sure to watch him often. Only you know your cories and only you know when somethings wrong. Every fish is different.