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Is my Pleco eating????

Posted: 14 Jul 2003, 16:49
by Mirra
Hi i bought a L264 2 weeks ago, he has been in the 5g tank, Ive just moved him into the 92g (has drift wood in it). But im worried about his eating. There has been poop but not alot. Ive been trying to feed him frozen blood worms (thawed out) dried shrip pellets, (says for plecos) and algie tablets.

But today i noticed that his head is looking skull like so i paniced and put him in the big tank one day earlier. I did a water change on the 5 g on friday and the water clouded up. So possible high nitrates. No i didn't bother testing, just moved him and the bristle nose which looks like he was doing good.

Do L264's sulk, at being moved?
Does it take them a while to get adjusted to new homes?
Are they off thier food while doing this?

Any help would be aswome. I do not want to loose him.
Thanks :cry:

Posted: 14 Jul 2003, 16:54
by König Löwe
Are his eyes "sunken" innto his skull? Normally, they should be protruding somewhat out of the skull.

Posted: 14 Jul 2003, 20:18
by Mirra
sorry if i have this in the wrong section. I can't tell if this is the moved toipic or moved to...

but his eyes are halfway. they're not poped out, and not flush with the skin.
but the area that has me worried is a spot between the dorsal fin and edge of head. Its dented in.

Posted: 15 Jul 2003, 08:41
by Kostas
That's what your L264 has?

Posted: 15 Jul 2003, 16:08
by Mirra
Yes the L264

there is a dent between the start of the dorsal and his head, right after the spine that he has there. I went and looked at some pictures that i took when i bought him and he had it then too.

if you look at the profile of the gold nugget on the reply button below its a curve, mine has a dip/dent as in my bad picture below

ps sorry about the crapy picture i don't have the time right now to practice and figure out what im doing wrong.

Posted: 15 Jul 2003, 16:31
by Silurus
The depression looks really big. Was the fish like that when you bought it?

Posted: 15 Jul 2003, 20:50
by Mirra
yes i know

i didn't notice it in the store, or when i was taking the pictures the same day i bought it.
But i finally did on Monday.
Is this normal?