Cories breeding in sand?

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Cories breeding in sand?

Post by mmcm1997 »

WHat cories are known to breed in sand? Thanks MIKE
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Re: Cories breeding in sand?

Post by andywoolloo »

mine were on sand and spawned like rabbits, but I am not sure what you mean? they didn't lay their eggs in the sand.
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Re: Cories breeding in sand?

Post by corybreed »

I don't know of any corys that breed in sand. If you are referring to using sand as a substrate it works well for most corys. Be sure to use a thin layer on sand because sand tends to pack down which creates a lot of anerobic activity.

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Re: Cories breeding in sand?

Post by kim m »

My Corydoras atropersonatus sometimes lay eggs on the underside of oak leaves that lay on the sand, but not IN the sand.
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Re: Cories breeding in sand?

Post by bronzefry »

I've had Scleromystax barbatus ram each other into the sand while breeding. Then, when placing the eggs, they are covered in substrate. These eggs didn't do very well. Even if I cleared away the substrate, with a watercolor paintbrush, they still had issues, like stunted pectoral fins. This seemed to happen with one particular female. When she wasn't rammed into the substrate and the eggs were clean, her offspring were fine. Nice healthy fins.
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Re: Cories breeding in sand?

Post by chef »

In reply to your question, yes i have witnessed Corydoras burying eggs into sand when persued by a pact of persitent males. Of course the eggs didnt come to anything, but it was strange behaviour that i havent seen since.
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Re: Cories breeding in sand?

Post by mmcm1997 »

I was hoping sand might mimick a breeding trait. I have some AKA white fin and viginia cories. THey haven't breed with all the other ways so I figured I'd try sand but still with no luck. I might as well clean it out :al: THanks MIKE
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Re: Cories breeding in sand?

Post by andywoolloo »

cories usually spawn like rabbits..whats your tank set up and parameters? (A NI NA PH) and temp and feeding schedule and what do you feed? What type of iltration? What else is in the tank? How often and how much at a time do you change the water?

How many of the same type of cories do you have?
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Re: Cories breeding in sand?

Post by MatsP »

andywoolloo wrote:cories usually spawn like rabbits..
Some do, some don't. The really common, captive bred ones are easy to breed, but there are quite a few species that aren't so easy to breed.

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Re: Cories breeding in sand?

Post by andywoolloo »

oh I did not know that. Interesting.
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