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help with ID, LFS labelled it simply as asian cat

Posted: 21 Aug 2008, 06:02
by andy2516
Anyone help me with this. Its in a LFS with a label that just says asian catfish

Re: help with ID, LFS labelled it simply as asian cat

Posted: 21 Aug 2008, 06:17
by Iwona

all the best

Re: help with ID, LFS labelled it simply as asian cat

Posted: 21 Aug 2008, 08:29
by Richard B
iwona is correct, it is often called the Asian stinging catfish.

Re: help with ID, LFS labelled it simply as asian cat

Posted: 21 Aug 2008, 18:14
by grokefish
Danger Will Robinson, danger!
Danger Will Robinson,Danger!

Poisonous, poisonous, do not touch with bare hands.


Re: help with ID, LFS labelled it simply as asian cat

Posted: 21 Aug 2008, 19:39
by sidguppy
apart from the venom one of the more beautiful and gracile Asians in the hobby and for sure not common in the trade.

if you can get a small group, do so; they're a bit gregarious and they move around a lot more when you have a group

of course you need a fair sized tank to house a group; they can reach at least some 25-30 cm or so.

but this is a real beauty.

Re: help with ID, LFS labelled it simply as asian cat

Posted: 21 Aug 2008, 19:42
by racoll
Pretty irresponsible to sell a fish that can give a really nasty sting, without warning the customer!

Re: help with ID, LFS labelled it simply as asian cat

Posted: 22 Aug 2008, 00:53
by andy2516
many thanks for all you help. Leave it in the shop methinks.

Re: help with ID, LFS labelled it simply as asian cat

Posted: 22 Aug 2008, 17:32
by worton[pl]

if you have big enough tank there is no reason to back this fish to the shop :). How often do you touch your other fish with hands? :) And they are really, really great pets :).


Re: help with ID, LFS labelled it simply as asian cat

Posted: 24 Aug 2008, 17:26
by Chrysichthys
racoll wrote:Pretty irresponsible to sell a fish that can give a really nasty sting, without warning the customer!
It's a great selling point, I can't believe they didn't mention it! :)