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Catfish Tank??

Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 17:26
by Sideswipe
this is my first post.
i have been keeping African Cichlids for 10 years and i would like to venture into possibly a catfish tank.
I also do not know if i am posting in the correct area. :oops:

I have never really kept catfish other than Ancistrus. However i have always been fascinated by them.
I was wondering if it is common for people to keep tanks with mainly catfish in it.
For example, would it be possible to keep the following all in the same 50G tank:
Rubber Nose Pleco
Striped Rafael
Synodontis (any)
Royal Pleco
Gold Nugget Pleco
Snowball Pleco

I like all of the aforementiond species but I would have to say that i would want to work around the Ancistrus because i have kept them and LOVE them.
Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.

Re: Catfish Tank??

Posted: 15 Aug 2008, 02:39
by firenzenz
I have plec only tanks for sure.
Your wishlist would be eccletic to say the least in one tank, because of the variance of sizes but also because you have listed, meat eater, vege/algae eaters, omnivores and wood eaters.

Perhaps look at plecs where there is more commonality in size and diet. Your decision based on those requirements will also help determine the numbers your tank should/could house.

I too come from a background of rift valley fish keeping. Unfortunately the water parameters are too different so the plecs are slowly taking over.

Re: Catfish Tank??

Posted: 15 Aug 2008, 17:11
by Sideswipe
well, i really enjoy the Bristlenose, more specifically Ancistrus Tamboensis, therefore i will work around that species.

any other suddestions are appreciated.

Re: Catfish Tank??

Posted: 15 Aug 2008, 17:28
by MatsP
Keeping multiple plecos in one tank can be more difficult than it seems, as there is the case of getting everyone to eat the right things and avoiding anyone being pushed off their rightful food by a larger/more aggressive fish for example.
