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How many multipunctatus?

Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 16:57
by rizup
I was hoping I can get some advice as to how many synodontis multipunctatus I can keep in my 125g All-Male Malawi tank. I currently have three, but I am hoping to add more. I have about 20 good sized cichlids, 7 bristlenose plecos, and the three syno's in the tank now. Water quality is not of a concern with this setup, I am just concerned about the tank space and feeding.

I have texas holey rock and terra cotta caves and pots in the tank that provide hiding places for the cats. How many synos would be a good number for my tank? Over the next couple days I was hoping to bring my total number to 8-12. Is this too many? Thanks for your help!


Re: How many multipunctatus?

Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 18:29
by sidguppy
add another 3 and you got a nice group already

but a total number of 8 or something won't hurt

just make sure that there are plenty UNCLAIMED hiding places.

if the multipuncs have to combat the Malawians for resting caves, you'll have a nasty war on your hands.

Re: How many multipunctatus?

Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 18:37
by Richard B
Sid's advice is spot on (as usual) :thumbsup:

In the wild multis will live in groups of hundreds of individuals so as long as you have 5+ you'll be fine.

The only thing to be mindful of, is are they or or a mix of the two? I have yet to see a fish labelled grandiops when clearly they were but labelled as multis! I bet this is pretty much the same the world over.....?

Re: How many multipunctatus?

Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 19:04
by rizup
Thanks for the great input! I was originally thinking of six as well. The three that I currently have were sold to me as F1 multipunctatus. I cannot say the same for the others that I may be purchasing. I can only assume that they are multipunctatus as well, because they are already bigger than the grandiops Cat e-Log entry would suggest. Any other ways to tell them apart?

My tank consists of mostly Haps and Peacocks, with the exception of one Yellow Lab. Most of them do not occupy the tanks hiding places, so territory is pretty much up for grabs.

So it seems as though keeping between 6-8 would be best?

Thanks again,


Re: How many multipunctatus?

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 01:12
by Birger
because they are already bigger than the grandiops Cat e-Log entry would suggest. Any other ways to tell them apart?
I am not saying it is one or the other but make sure of the diferentiation between SL(The distance from the tip of the snout to the base of the tail (caudal fin).) and TL(The distance from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail.)

According to the Taxonomic Revision of Lake Tanganyikan Synodontis(Jeremy Wright & Lawrence Page) the most reliable way to tell them apart is the pectoral -fin ray count...8 unbranched in S.multipuntatus 7 in the larger eye size in grandiops, which is easier said than done when trying to figure them out.(at least for me)


Re: How many multipunctatus?

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 10:38
by Richard B
Synodontis grandiops n. sp. is the most similar to S. multipunctatus but is distinguished by measurements of the eye (64.2-81.0% of snout length vs. 44.9-62.0% in S. multipunctatus) and pectoral-fin ray counts (7 vs. 8 in S. multipunctatus).
Measuring snout & eye length is IMO impossible with a live fish when we want it to be in an unstressed state & best of health. It can be easily accomplished using a photo which can be enlarged as all we are after is a % figure.

Pectoral ray counts can be done best with the fish in hand :( as it i extremely tricky to count as a fish swims normally round a tank.

The only way to maximise chances of all being the same without measuring & counting is to but the whole group fom a fresh imported batch of W/C.

Re: How many multipunctatus?

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 22:47
by caudalis
I have agroup of 8, of what i think are grandiops, in my mbuna tanks. When the cichlids spawn the frantic activity from the Syno's is great to watch. Had 3 fry recently, don't think they survived though. But ever hopeful!!
Shame that without female cichlids i don't think you will see this behaviour, and they won't spawn.

Re: How many multipunctatus?

Posted: 17 Jul 2008, 04:20
by rizup
I am really looking for a total of 10. Do you think this is too many? If so I can shoot for 8 instead. If 10 will work, I will work on adding a few additional hiding spots just in case. Thanks again.


Re: How many multipunctatus?

Posted: 17 Jul 2008, 11:09
by Richard B
by caudalis on Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:47 pm

I have agroup of 8, of what i think are grandiops, in my mbuna tanks. When the c*****ds spawn the frantic activity from the Syno's is great to watch. Had 3 fry recently, don't think they survived though. But ever hopeful!!
Shame that without female c*****ds i don't think you will see this behaviour, and they won't spawn.
Interesting point caudalis, everyone assumes multis are the cuckoos but i beleive grandiops are too, due mostly to mis-identification as grandiops is a 'newly' described species.

That said, multis (& probably grandiops too???) do scatter on rare occasion when there isn't a cuckoo host available