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Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 04:21
by eah
Hello all,

I just decided to combine the fish in my 20 gallon long (6 panda cories) into my 55 gallon (5 barbs, two gouramis, 4 peppered cories, 1 rubberlip pleco). After moving all of the panda cories and getting ready to dismantle their 20 gallon long, I discovered a lone baby (not sure of the age) cory. He's about 3/4 inch long. I'm worried he's too small to be in with the golden barbs and gouramis, but not sure if he'll be okay on his own in the now otherwise empty 20 gallon tank. I'm worried about moving some of the panda cories back to the 20 gallon tank because I don't want to stress them by moving them twice in such a short period of time. Any thoughts on what I should do to make sure the baby turns out okay? Will he be stressed on his own?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 07:41
by scotteim
How big are your barbs? I think your panda baby will be fine. 55 gallon is a big enough tank. Do you have it planted and with some decorations? Maybe you can feed the fish on one side of the tank and release the panda on the other side, that way he can go right in and find a place to hide without being bothered by the other residents.


Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 14:49
by eah
I have many pieces of driftwood, several caves and some plants (mostly java ferns) in the big tank. The barbs are reasonably big - my biggest one is 2 - 2.5 inches. Then there's also the gouramis who are adults (one is about 4" the other is about 5" and the other is about 4").

Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 16:14
by apistomaster
Your single young Corydoras panda should begin schooling with your adult at anytime.
I think it is a survivor and is no longer in any danger from your other fish.

Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 16:21
by eah
apistomaster wrote:Your single young Corydoras panda should begin schooling with your adult at anytime.
I think it is a survivor and is no longer in any danger from your other fish.
So, you don't think he's so small that the gouramis or barbs will think he's a delicious treat and chow down? Since he hasn't been exposed to any other fish besides other panda cories in the tank he's in now, I'm worried he won't be quick enough to stay out of danger when acclimating to the new tank.

Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 18:41
by Bas Pels
Quite a few barbels would try to eat any small but others would not. Besides, if I remember correctly, Corydoras make their harnass at around 1 cm, and your 3/4 of -an-inch Cory is 1.8 cm

probably it has its harnass completed, and would, most likely, be safe

Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 18:45
by loachy_406
Do you mean barbs? :lol: Also, what is this 'harnass' you speak of? Do you mean it's armour or scutes/plates?

Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 18:46
by Bas Pels
sorry :oops:

the harnass? outside fortification, in order to protect the vulnerable inside, the box around the fish

Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 18:50
by loachy_406
After reading it through again I kind of figured it out myself. Does anyone know of a technical term for the armour on Corys?

Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 20:34
by eah
Okay, so is the consensus that he'd be better off in the 55 gallon tank with the barbs, gourami's, and other cories or that it would just probably be okay to move him in there? I don't mind keeping the other tank up and running for another week or two if that would be safer for the little guy.

For those of you who breed cories, at what age would you put them in a tank with other fish (i.e. non-cories)?

Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 20:45
by loachy_406
He would prefer cory company and he would probably be ok with the other fish. I'm sure he can swim quite fast, but it depends on the level of bullying, if any.

Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 14 Jul 2008, 11:00
by MatsP
I have a 3/4" cory in a tank with about 7-8" (18-20cm) long Satanoperca.

Of course, you don't tell us which sort of barbs they are, but I would think the Gourami would be less happy with agressive barbs than the cory would be.


Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 14 Jul 2008, 19:21
by corywink
I have a related question, I'm raising 2 panda fry in a floating container, they are a little over 1 cm and are just starting to show their panda markings, when should I release it into the main tank with the other pandas and corys? no problems with other tank inhabitants since it's a cory tank with a few whitecloud minnows and a SAE.

Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 14 Jul 2008, 20:31
by MatsP
Yes, I would do. Only really tiny fry are eaten by the adults.


Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 00:18
by eah
MatsP wrote:I have a 3/4" cory in a tank with about 7-8" (18-20cm) long Satanoperca.

Of course, you don't tell us which sort of barbs they are, but I would think the Gourami would be less happy with agressive barbs than the cory would be.

Sorry, is "golden barbs" not specific enough? I think they are called golden checkered barbs... They are pretty non-aggressive. I decided to go ahead and move the cory into the 55 gallon tank and everything appears to fine. "Bessie" (as my husband has dubbed her) seems to be quite happy exploring on the side of the tank that the other panda cories have been hanging out.

Re: Lone Pandy Cory Fry

Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 10:15
by MatsP
eah wrote:Sorry, is "golden barbs" not specific enough? I think they are called golden checkered barbs... They are pretty non-aggressive. I decided to go ahead and move the cory into the 55 gallon tank and everything appears to fine. "Bessie" (as my husband has dubbed her) seems to be quite happy exploring on the side of the tank that the other panda cories have been hanging out.
Yes, it's perfectly precise enough - it's my reading abilities that need updating... ;-) And as you say, they are pretty docile and not particularly prone to chasing, nipping fins etc.
