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Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 02:14
by jollysue
My dwarf pets gave me at least one baby! :o :D I had just done a water change in the S. lucipinnus tank. I left and came back a little later to the fish room. They were a happy troop in the fresh water. I stopped to wtch and look closer. They are such a lovely fish when they are dancing.

And there! happily weaving through the thick plantings was a 1/2" S. lucipinnus! I am soooo excited! They aren't suppose to do that! :lol: :an:

The baby! He's on the move. Sorry he's blurry.

I got a better shot of his rear end!

Front view of one of the parent group

Side view

There are 6 in the parent group. I have had them since spring 2006. They were his size or smaller when I got them. I had 7 and lost one last year.

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 11:33
by worton[pl]

it is always great to read Synodontis breeding reports :).

Wish you great bunch of babies! :)

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 11:38
by jollysue


I love your whiskers!

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 11:47
by worton[pl]

How big are your mature lucipinnis now? My petricolas tend to grow really slow. I got them from tiny babies for 3 years and they are now something about 5-6 cm long - slow growers :/. Sometimes I wonder if I do everything properly.

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 11:54
by tomr
Age is more important than size. 3 years should be fine.Mine bred at only about 2 inches, but three years old.

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 13:01
by jollysue
So these dwarfs are about 2-2.5 yrs old. They are 3-4". As you can see the adult has an adult face. They have been acting jiggy since last year. I could see courting behavior and a gender difference when they were "dancing." I have felt they were ready for some time. But I didn't expect them to produce youngsters without help.

I was told they would be difficult to breed. They are such darlins. I think they missed the one that died last year and decided to replace him. I hope they do it again! :mrgreen:

I have 2 x S. petrocola and 6 multis. I hardly see the pets and seldom see the multis dance. They are all wid caught, whereas these lucipinnus are aquarium bred. I think that makes a difference.

But don't worry about doing anything right or wrong. Give them room to dance, good food and clean water. They will get interested and do what their species does.

I have done nothing special except take care of them and see them "happy."

You don't say how many you have. I think that makes a difference too. Like so many Catfish, they need to party!

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 15:28
by worton[pl]

I have 5 :). They are happy, eat like pigs and are very active - they just grow really slow :)

Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 06:42
by jollysue
I am sure they will get jiggy for you. How are you planning to do the eggs and fry?

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 15:01
by worton[pl]

a common way. Very clean water, lots of waterchanges, lots of food and that's all :)

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 17:33
by jollysue
Really? I thought they required stones and jars and air tubes and tumblers and such. That's why I am so delighted and surprised.

Well I would be delighted anyway. They are such lovely creatures.

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 20:36
by worton[pl]

you know in Tanganyika synos do not usually use jars, tumblers and the rest of our equipment ;). The key is to start them breeding, then I can think about using mentioned stuff.
If you want to get more eggs, more babies it is good way to use well known method and jars with glass balls seem to work great!

You can also search through this forum - there is a lot of very detailed topics about breeding both - lucipinnis and petricola.

I do have a lot of rocks in a tank ;) so one day, hopefully I will find a baby or two just like you did ;).

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 20:53
by andywoolloo
:cheers: :thumbsup:

congrats!!! Yeah!!!

Very cute!!

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 21:13
by jollysue
Thanks andywooloo,
BTW do we have a Cory or Catfish club in Fesno or the Valley? I am actually checking out the Catfish convention in VA! :P

Thanks, worton. I will check some of it out. But I gotta admit that my Corys keep me busy enough without doing much. Thanks for the encouragement. Perhaps they will keep it up and present me with a few more. Then I can set andywooloo up!

I actually thought the same about them generating the next generation in Lake T. Maybe all my Afrcans will do me the honor, including the blue fronts and red fin lubufu compresseceps.

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 22:38
by andywoolloo
BTW do we have a Cory or Catfish club in Fesno or the Valley? I am actually checking out the Catfish convention in VA!
I haven't been able to locate one. :( We should start one!
Perhaps they will keep it up and present me with a few more. Then I can set andywooloo up!

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 05:07
by jollysue
Maybe we should, andywooloo

You have done some active looking for one?

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 06:09
by andywoolloo
just searching on line. They are always in bay area or down south one in sacto. that's all I found.

Re: Baby S. lucipinnus volunteer! Pics

Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 07:17
by jollysue

Lets work at it. We will need a web site? I am tech challenged. :oops: But I have the time mostly at night Sunday night to early Thursday morning to watch it. Not sure how to start. I guess wee need to check our sources to to find if there are others in the area we already connect to.