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Catfish species tank

Posted: 06 Jul 2003, 04:15
by chinnp
I have a 20 gallon tank that is almost completely cycled. Nitrite and ammonia are both falling fast. I am wanting to set up a "catfish only" tank. I'm wanting to display the variety of different catfish there are and how there is more to a catfish then just the huge behemoth who sits on the riverbottom and eats anything smelly.

I'm looking for suggestions of what kinds of cat's to stock and how many of each. I'm planning on definitely keeping 3-4 cories (love those little guys) and 3-4 glass cats (will stock them last) and possibly also 1-2 upside down cats. Beyond that I'm not sure. Looking for any suggestions.


Posted: 06 Jul 2003, 05:27
by S. Allen
possibly a peckoltia or 2, maybe one of the brighter species such as L134 or something... if the tank is meant as a statement of diversity and beauty within catfish.

was trying to think of other midwater swimmers (other than the glass cats), but many of them are pretty big.

Posted: 06 Jul 2003, 10:33
by Silurus
Small midwater swimmers other than glass cats:
Swallowtail cats (<i>Pareutropius buffei</i>)
Small woodcats (although they're bottom dwellers during the day).

Posted: 06 Jul 2003, 14:37
by chinnp
I was having a hard time also coming up with catfish that inhabit the mid-water range. Was thinking of adding a banjo cat or a twig cat. Thought that was add some variety to the tank.

Posted: 09 Jul 2003, 15:47
by Chrysichthys
How about a small shoal of Dianema longibarbis? They're a midwater swimmer. There's also Pimelodus pictus; it's a predator, but doesn't get very big. A group of 'Tengara' Mystus would be quite active in the lower midwater area.

Posted: 10 Jul 2003, 18:25
by chinnp
My apologies for not replying earlier, but I've been out of town and just got back. I have the 20 gallon tall tank. Should I look at getting a 30 gallon to keep these fish in?