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New feature based on My Cats
Posted: 07 Jun 2008, 16:54
by loachy_406
Hi, I know you have a lot to do all the time, but way off in the future it would be really cool if you could add a 'wish list' feature. As well as the species you actually own there could be the same thing for catfish that you want to keep.
Re: New feature based on My Cats
Posted: 08 Jun 2008, 09:44
by Jools
That's a brilliant suggestion and actually one that I had thought about before. It will get added one day, I'm essentially thinking that it will allow people to trade extra fish they have, a spare male for a pair, that kind of thing as well as a personal wish list kind of thing.
The reason I want to finish off my cats, my aquaria and then the breeders award project (BAP) first is that they add information to the site. While a wish list is great fun, and could be practically useful for the reasons I outlined above, it doesn't add hard data to the site, at least directly.
Another part of my plans in this area is a "spotters checklist". I started keeping fish around about your age (I am now 36) and one of my first fish books was the attached spotters guide. Basically you ticked off fish when you see them and you got points for them, the more unusual the fish, the more points you collect. I'd like to do something similar for the site.
Re: New feature based on My Cats
Posted: 08 Jun 2008, 11:35
by loachy_406
That sounds good. It's amazing how catfishy people think alike! I guess you need to add fact before fantasy on an information site.
Re: New feature based on My Cats
Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 23:34
by MatsP
I think this is low priority, so I won't attack this first on our "July bugs hunt".
Re: New feature based on My Cats
Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 09:10
by Jools
MatsP wrote:I think this is low priority, so I won't attack this first on our "July bugs hunt".
Well, it's an enhancement also, so I agree with getting bugs hunted out first. I do have a (probably irrational) yearning to do this one.
Re: New feature based on My Cats
Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 09:50
by MatsP
You want to do the actual programming, or are you saying "I'd like to get it done somehow"?
Re: New feature based on My Cats
Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 09:52
by Jools
The latter, I think, although I would probably need to at least to a basic design.
Re: New feature based on My Cats
Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 10:32
by MatsP
Yes, I was thinking that "How do we actually implement it", so if you come up with a quick sketch of how you want to do it, I'll be happy to work on the implementation side. Assuming that's how you want to work it, of course.
Re: New feature based on My Cats
Posted: 31 Aug 2011, 22:11
by Jools
OK, so at the risk of exposing a bit too much of our innards, here's what is in my mind now the cat-elog species page is "in forum". Very helicopter view!
1) Add a my_fish field for start and stop want dates.
2) Add a my_fish field for first and last spotted dates.
3) Add a my_fish_spotted counter.
Species Page
3) If isset start_want_date and !isset start date then show "dont want" link.
4) If !isset start_want_date then show "want" link.
5) If isset first_spotted_date then show "spotted" link which updates last spotted date. Increment spotted counter.
6) If !iset first_spotted_date then show "spotted" link which updates first spotted date. Increment spotted counter.
Other stuff
Add a most wanted page, recent spots page(which will also pull forum location data) and some stats intot the species page.
Re: New feature based on My Cats
Posted: 31 Aug 2011, 23:03
by MatsP
Also record who spotted it? I mean it's no point in me looking for X and Shane finding it in Virginia... ;)