platydoras costatus gravid?

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platydoras costatus gravid?

Post by Reginator »

I hava a young pair of platydoras costatus and the female has suddenly got very fat, any chance of them breeding? I noticed in the cat-eLog that there's no info on breeding so can anyone give me any pointers? Are they "fire & forget" spawners or do they take care of the eggs/wrigglers? I do have a hospital/breeder tank available but prefer not to move fish if it's not essential..
Any tips or advice greatfully received

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Re: platydoras costatus gravid?

Post by Bas Pels »

Haro Hieronimus wrote in a German book 'welse' - that is 'catfish' - Platydoras actually build foam nests.
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Re: platydoras costatus gravid?

Post by Reginator »

I would never have thought of bubble-nest building! So, any chance of them doing it in an aquarium with neighbours or would it be best to seperate them?
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Re: platydoras costatus gravid?

Post by Bas Pels »

Assuming you would lintend to obtain fry, I'd remouve all other fishes - as they will certainly like to eat eventual eggs, or fry :P

I do have 3 Platydoras myself, or fishes bought under that name, for 18 years now, but I never saw anything hinting at breeding :( Thus I can only quote what I read, and whish you a lot of luck
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Re: platydoras costatus gravid?

Post by Richard B »

How big are they & how have you sexed them? I can't recall seeing any Doradid i could say was definately gravid so i'd like to know - any chance of pics?
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Re: platydoras costatus gravid?

Post by Reginator »

They're both about 13cm long without tail, one gracile one more robust and was told the more robust was female. The female suddenly got much fatter over the course of a couple of days which made me think "gravid". She shows no sign of being unwell, nor has her behaviour changed..
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Re: platydoras costatus gravid?

Post by Richard B »

interesting...thanks for the post.
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Re: platydoras costatus gravid?

Post by Reginator »

This morning she's back to normal chubbyness, no sign of bubble nest so if she was gravid before, she isn't now :(
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Re: platydoras costatus gravid?

Post by Richard B »

In such a short turnaround period i personally suspect it was something other than being egg-laden, maybe not though???

I saw a platydoras (armatulus?) yesterday that was huge. Although it was hiding in a pipe the width of it's head was just over 3.5 inches!
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