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Explanation of humeral process
Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 10:55
by Magnus
I´m new to this forum, even if I have used "PlanetCatfish" for long.
Since I´m from Sweden I´m not that good in english, so I want your help to understand the meaning of the "humeral process".
It all started when I tried to identify my Synodontis, I am now 99% sure I have S. c.f_mutipunctatus.
I fully understand what I am looking for when looking for the "humeral process", but can someone explain it?
I hope someone understands what I mean.
Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 13:21
by Rusty
The humeral process is a bony spike that can be seen behind the gill opening. It's useful for ID'ing Synos because each Syno species has a distinct shape and size to it.
When you say "cf. multipunctatus", do you mean
this fish? That is the
multipunctatus from the south of Lake Tanganyika. Do you have a picture of yours?
Posted: 04 Jul 2003, 07:11
by Magnus
That has to be the one. I was very confused when I bought them, because the dealer wasn´t sure what spiecies they were. The big difference between my Synos and the multipunctatus was that my had spots on their bellys, and a much more "pointy" humeral process. But there is no other Syno (on this sight) that looks like mine. I can easily see that it is a male and a female I have. Unfortunately I have no digital camera, so I can´t submit any pictures yet, but I plan to borrow a camera this summer.
My synos are about 12 cm long and are kept with D. compressiceps, N. venustus and O. lithobates. (Malawitank, it´s not correct I know
) The "Haplochromis" are all young fish.
As soon as I can I will take pictures!
Posted: 04 Jul 2003, 18:55
by Dinyar
Yes, that's the "Southern" multipunctatus alright. They have a few spots on their bellies and a more pointy humeral process. But they almost certainly belong to the same species as the Northern variety and should be called "S. multipunctatus", not "S. cf. multipunctatus".
Posted: 05 Jul 2003, 22:07
by Magnus
You can´t really say that the male has "a few" spots on its belly , it has as many spots as on the rest of the body. But that could probably be individual. Is there something special I should think about when caring for my Synos, or should I just do as I do with the Malawis in the same tank?
They surely won´t starv because they are feeding like maniacs when I give them "shrimpmix".
Posted: 05 Jul 2003, 23:58
by Dinyar
Which Malawi spp. are they with?
Posted: 06 Jul 2003, 21:14
by Magnus
They are with Malawi CICHLIDS
Except for four small Ancistrus d... they are the only catfish in the tank. The cichlids are stated above!
Posted: 07 Jul 2003, 03:07
by Dinyar
My apologies for not reading your post again before posting my silly question.
Your multis should be fine. Just be sure to vary their diet. While they like meaty foods, you should also feed vegetarian foods like spirulina flakes.
Posted: 07 Jul 2003, 22:15
by Magnus
My homemade shimpmix contains of 1/3 spinach, I also feed them with flakes, frozen brine shrimp and sometimes regular cichlid-pellets. I avoid bloodworms because of the risk for bloat. I´m going to borrow a digital camera tomorrow, if I get any good picturs I´ll submit them.