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A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 14 May 2008, 16:24
by jac
Hi there!!

Sunday morning I found eggs from my C. Napoensis. They put them under the leaves of some plants I put in for them. That was very exiting because I didn't expect them to lay eggs yet. They were still scared and hid a lot. Maybe because they were wild caught?

The eggs hatched yesterday. The fry are very tiny, smaller than the fry from my other cory's ( C. Schulzei).
Only one female laid eggs, the other is still very fat.
Here they are, about a 100 I think....


Bye!!! Jacqueline

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 14 May 2008, 17:29
by Richard B
Jac - well done :cheers:

Is it me or do we seem to be getting a lot of good spawning accounts as the moment(?)

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 14 May 2008, 17:45
by jac
Hi Richard,

Thanks :thumbsup:

About the successful spawnings, I've got know idea. This is all my first time attempt on breeding 3 kinds of cory's at home. I'm very happy with my results so far :D Two out of three for now. Still waiting for the C. Peru green stripes to spawn :wink:

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 15 May 2008, 10:08
by DutchFry
that's great news jac! cheers! :thumbsup:

have you got a picture of the adults for us ?

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 15 May 2008, 14:19
by jac

The fry are having a little problem at the moment. Most of them are doing fine and are active and swimming around. But this morning I found 2 that were dead. They had very enlarged bellies. They are only 2 days old so it isn't because I fed them to much.....I don't feed them yet. I can see 3 or 4 other one's who have the same enlarged bellies but are still alive.
I would like to have some help from someone who's had this problem before or knows what I have to do please.

Thanks, Jacqueline

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 16 May 2008, 19:59
by jac
Anyone???? :(

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 17 May 2008, 15:58
by Richard B
Jac - PM Coryman or Corybreed they might have missed this thread

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 17 May 2008, 19:14
by Coryologist
Richard B wrote:Jac - PM Coryman or Corybreed they might have missed this thread
Hi. Well, I'm neither of the two gents, mentioned - but I do have a bit of experience to pass along. Generally this is caused by bacteria and can be negated by improving the water quality through 50% water changes for 2 or 3 days and a dose of Formalin3. I do encounter this from time to time and found this remedy quick and trouble-free. I hope this helps. - Frank

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 18 May 2008, 19:49
by jac

Thanks all for the reply's.

I think I've solved the problem. I guessed it was a bacterial problem, witch fills the little body with water and cannot leave the body, so the fish fills up until it burst :shock: I don't know how you call it.....well I do but only in dutch :wink:

I've put a little bit of sand in there tank.
Today I've started feeding them but they don't seem very hungry. Time will tell :wink:

I'll keep you updated of there progress.

Bye, Jacqueline

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 18 May 2008, 19:58
by p charlton

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 22 May 2008, 14:20
by jac

Well I'm sad to say :( these little ones are not doing so well....
It seems like they don't want to eat. I don't see them searching for food. They just sit in a corner and die :cry:
I don't know at the moment why they are so poorly. I change the water 2x a day and feed them as often as I can ( 4 time a day minimum) a little bit. They just don't seem interested.
When I check up on them in the morning and when I come from work at least half of them are dead.

Can someone help me? What is going wrong here?
Maybe with the next spawning I'll have a better result if I know what I have to do to make things better for them.

Bye, Jacqueline

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 22 May 2008, 15:54
by Jilly
Hi Jac

We have successfully reared a lot of Napoensis fry. What we do is scrape the eggs off the glass and put them in a large margarine tub with water from the spawning tank in, add some methylene blue and and put an air pipe in. When the fry are freely swimming we feed them on small amounts paramecium and spirulina dust about 3 or four times a day, we do this until they are big enough to take baby brine shrimp. We also do 50% water changes everyday with a small piece of airline as a siphon tube to suck out the dirt.

I hope you succeed next time. Please feel free to contact me anytime

Jilly x

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 25 May 2008, 18:02
by jac
DutchFry wrote:that's great news jac! cheers! :thumbsup:

have you got a picture of the adults for us ?


Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 25 May 2008, 19:02
by Richard B
Coryologist - my apologies - the other two names were posted as they were the moderators & i clearly realise there are dozens if not hundreds of posters in these forums who would be able to advise...sorry :oops:

Re: A spawning from C. Napoensis

Posted: 25 May 2008, 19:22
by Coryologist
Not a problem. No offense taken, here. I'm quite used to being ignored. :D - Frank