Well, I gave my talk without major stumbling blocks. Diodn't field a question from John (Lundberg) too well, but I answered Ralf (Britz) and Scott (Schaefer) satisfactorily, I guess.
There are only a few more catfish talks left. The last one I attended on centromochline relationships was fairly interesting, as the results suggested that <i>C. perugiae</i> is not a <i>Centromochlus</i>, but belongs to an undescribed genus. John Lundberg gave a talk on deep channel Amazon fishes that had lots of new cats, including an undescribed <i>Brachyplatystoma</i>. I was talking to Don Stewart at lunch, and it seems that Pfeil is going to publish his book on the freshwater fishes of Ecuador soon.
There's only the banquet left tonight and then I return to Michigan tomorrow. Look out for the pics to be posted here soon.
Oh yes, I stuffed my face with surubim at my last lunch here...
Manaus 2003 Day 5
- Silurus
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- Kostas
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- Location 1: Greece,Athens
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- Interests: Fishkeeping,diving,skiing,r/c modeling,growing Palm trees,ferns and tropical plants
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