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Manaus 2003 Day 4

Posted: 30 Jun 2003, 15:32
by Silurus
Not much in the way of catfish talks today. While at the picnic on the shores of the Rio Negro last night, I saw what looked very much like small doradids swimming near the surface in search of food. Wish I had a net.
So far, I have eaten pirarucu (<i>Arapaima</i>), surubim (<i>Sorubim</i> or <i>Sorubmichthys</i>?) and tambaqui (<i>Colossoma</i>. My favorite was the pirarucu, and the surubim was a close second.
Tomorrow is the last day, which is also the day I give my talk. Wish me luck.

Posted: 30 Jun 2003, 20:53
by Yann

Well I am glad you are enjoying your stay there...
Well it is too bad that it is already over...really went fast...are you going to stay a bit longer?
Well I am sure everyone back with me in wishing you a good talk tomorrow...sure it will be the best talk!! :wink: