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Platydoras costatus as a cleaning fish?
Posted: 29 Jun 2003, 23:04
by Silurus
At the Manaus meeting today, I came across a poster suggesting that young <i>P. costatus</i> behaved like cleaning fish, much in the manner of the cleaner wrasses. The author had seen a young <i>P. costatus</i> swim across the head of a large <i>Hoplias</i>, apparently eating skin parasites off it. It was even suggested that the bold striped color pattern of the <i>Platydoras</i> helped advertise its service to other fish (just like cleaner wrasses).
Interesting idea.
Posted: 30 Jun 2003, 01:27
by S. Allen
Odd, never kept them, has anyone else who has seen this?
Posted: 30 Jun 2003, 22:14
by Sid Guppy
Interesting indeed! I've known Tanganyikan Syno's to do this, but never a Dorad.
Corydoras can do this trick too, especially with big Loricariids.
Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 09:38
by Kostas
Wow,very intresting!Do any corydoras sp clean medium sized loricariids(15-20cm)?
Posted: 03 Jul 2003, 20:01
by Zack
Wow,certainly an interesting idea but it seems a little far fetched to me though. WHEN mine does come out he's not interested in the other fish,just interested in finding some grub and getting back to his hole as SOON as possible. Could be though. Certainly a very interesting fact, maybe its something they do more when they are in larger schools and will come out more readily and not be in a such a big hurry when they do come out??