synodontis ?

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synodontis ?

Post by haydes »

After doing some research, I wanted to double check with you guys on the differences between S.petricola and S. multipunctatus. Am I right when I say that petricola have white on the front of their dorsal and multis do not, and that multis have no spots on their belly and peticola do? I got a couple given to me by a buddy who got them with and tank and he said they were petricola but after research I believe they are multipunctatus. I will get some pics up in the id section when photobucket decides it wants to upload my pic. Thanks
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Re: synodontis ?

Post by Birger »

I will get some pics up in the id section when photobucket decides it wants to upload my pic.
You can upload pics right onto your post here...go to upload attachment at the bottom when you post
Am I right when I say that petricola have white on the front of their dorsal and multis do not
Yes this is correct....but to confuse you more look up and ...there were a few changes a while ago and it is quite likely you have one of these

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Re: synodontis ?

Post by Richard B »

The white leading edge to the dorsal & pectorals is a key to identifying petricola & lucipinnis whereas all other tanganyikan synos have dark leading edges.

I don't place any merit on spotted bellies as some of my multis/grandiops do & others don't :?

Birger is spot on in that a photo will allow us to give a 100% ID (probably)
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Re: synodontis ?

Post by TheFanatic »

Syno Multi's have very large eyes compared to the false Multis. Look for the triangular formation on the cheek as well. There is a good pic of this on this site on the S. Multi page....
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