Another Hara Jerdoni?

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Another Hara Jerdoni?

Post by waterfaller1 »

Hello, I will have the opportunity to replace the hara jerdoni that didn't make it in shipment free of charge. But should I? That is the question. I might be replacing my 10 gallon with a 20 long, because I need to change out the substrate. Right now my tank is a 10 gallon, fully planted, with the following fish:
1 hara jerdoni
4 corydoras habrosus
2 blue axelrod's rasboras
3 kuhli loaches
I will be adding a few more rasboras as well. I am strongly leaning towards just setting up the 20. That should give me enough water volume I would think. Advice appreciated. 8)
keep smiling~Carole =)
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Re: Another Hara Jerdoni?

Post by MatsP »

I would think that another Hara wouldn't cause any problem in that setup, as long as you look after it OK.

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Re: Another Hara Jerdoni?

Post by waterfaller1 »

Thanks MatsP! Interesting to note~ last evening I went in to 'night watch' my tank. It is the only time i get to see the hara, and the kuhlis swimming around. I usually put on a low light so as not to disturb them, but the bulb blew and presently I have a much stronger one in that lamp. So anyway, I starled the hara jerdoni, and don't you know...there he had been sitting atop a chunk of invert food I had in the tank for my shrimp. As soon as he moved, an olive nerite waiting nearby moved in on the food. My blue axelrods seem to relish frozen Cyclop-eeze. I have a feeling he eats that as well. I am always the worried mom trying to insure my 'babies' are well fed.:)
keep smiling~Carole =)
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Re: Another Hara Jerdoni?

Post by waterfaller1 »

I got another, and I think I lucked out and have a male and female. It took them a couple days to find each other, but now they are inseparable. 8)
keep smiling~Carole =)
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