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Brachyplatystoma Tigrinum a few questions

Posted: 11 Feb 2008, 19:02
by Mark7616
Hi guys I have a few questions that I would just like to confirm and clarify really. I have a young b.tigrinum that i am currently growing in a tank on its own until its ready to go in the 412g with its new tank mates. My setup is a 36x16x16 with a fluval 3+ and 2+ internal filter and an eheim bubble wall for aireation. Now my questions are as follows:

1. How often and what should I be feeding atm I am feeding solely bloodworm every other day as I hear alot of stories of people over feeding and killing these when there small and also them not being able to digest things like prawn so well when there this small????

2. He lives in a hole in the sand at the moment but im not sure if he is happy due to the fact that when I feed I turn of the filters to kill the flow to get the bloodworm down to the bottom the fish then comes out to eat and swims around the moment I turn them back on he goes back to his hole im not sure if he eats with the filters on I have yet to try. Now is he not happy with the amount of flow in the tank or is he looking for a new spot when the filters go off as he does have the option to shelter by a piece of wood.

Re: Brachyplatystoma Tigrinum a few questions

Posted: 15 Feb 2008, 04:14
by taksan
Give him wood to shelter in .... the flow won't bother him at all in fact you need more and start feeding him cut bit of fish and earthworms as well as bloodworms.
3x16x16 tank is too small to grow that fish out BTW

Re: Brachyplatystoma Tigrinum a few questions

Posted: 24 Feb 2008, 10:38
by chrisdef15
Depends how big he wants to "grow it out".

Re: Brachyplatystoma Tigrinum a few questions

Posted: 02 Mar 2008, 11:03
by taksan
you think fish only grow to the size of the tank they are in?