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-30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 18:53
by Birger
Attempted to work this morning but we decided to go is minus 30 Celsius out there today(I was going to work outside)
It is really nice out there as long as you do not have to stay out long
Here is a shot of the creek out back of my place
jan-28-08 005.jpg
What is it like where you are today??


Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 18:57
by Bas Pels
in North West Europe it's a bit warm for the season - on average we have 0 at night and 5 as a max, but we have had 5 at night and 8-10 as max values

I'm not complaining :lol:

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 20:57
by Richard B
I could moan - it's one of the thing we Brits do best :roll:

Today, it hasn't rained!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was cold this morning, not icy but colder than it has been for a few days, mostly drab, miserable, dull & uninspiring - doh! :?

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 21:34
by Barbie
In the last week we've had temperatures below 0F and then it warmed up just enough to dump more than 15 inches of very wet snow. It's well below freezing now so the snow is just miserable to try to shovel or walk through. We're expecting another 4 inches or more in the next day or two with projected storms coming behind those. I was just sure I left Anchorage to get away from the accumulations of this stuff!


Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 00:03
by bslindgren
Being just across the Rockies from you, Birger, we are caught in the same system. It was officially -38 C (that's about the same F) - only -33 C at my house - this morning at around 9 am, so it's a balmy -26 or something now. There are some advantages with indoor jobs....

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 02:28
by Silurus
It's +30 here.

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 03:03
by tzwms
Today is the first day in 3 that it hasn't rained. It has been windy all day and the high was 44F and is now dropping. But balmy compared to you guys!!! We can use the wet, but you can keep the cold!! :D

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 08:49
by Barbie
Here's a picture of our dog doing her bunny impression while she plays in the 13.7" of record snowfall we had. At least she was having a good time ;).



Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 12:57
by Richard B
Barbie - that snow looks amazing! :D

I haven't seen snow like that in my part of the world for many years :( I don't know if i could stand the temperatures people are talking about but it is picture postacard beautiful

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 15:08
by husky_jim
It's 0 to 10 here in Athens..... :thumbsup:

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 16:36
by Birger
Well it was -34 first thing this morning .... already starting to warm up possibly to -19 this afternoon and continue to get better through the week
Being just across the Rockies from you, Birger, we are caught in the same system
Just to give some of you an idea of the distance "just across the rockies" is still a good 8 lonely hours drive away
I don't know if i could stand the temperatures people are talking about but it is picture postacard beautiful
mostly drab, miserable, dull & uninspiring - doh!
Believe me I can't stand these temps. either...happens once or twice a winter but does not stay long here but you do not have to go much farther north or east to get longer(weeks) blasts of cold air... bbrrrrr...I am lucky in a way where we are situated in the mountains we get a lot of these blue sky days but you get used to it and have to make yourself remember to stop and appreciate it now and then.
It's +30 here.
But so far if I was to pack up and visit one of you it would have to be HH
60 degrees difference that would shock the system


Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 17:18
by Shane
This was us weekend before last. We have had some heavy rains for the last 10 days but it has cleared up again. I'll be in the swimming pool this weekend.

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 18:54
by Barbie
Don't take this wrong Shane, but I think I hate you :lol: !


Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 19:06
by Bas Pels
Birger wrote:I am lucky in a way where we are situated in the mountains we get a lot of these blue sky days but you get used to it and have to make yourself remember to stop and appreciate it now and then.
As stated above, it's not cold here, but january has provided us with some 20 hours of sun, we normally have clouds, fog or rain. The most boring wheather imaginable

I want summer, get my fish back in the ponds, not wearing shoes all day, but this will take half a year, almost

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 30 Jan 2008, 06:18
by Plecofanatic1989
Unlike you guys I wish it were colder here! It's been so unusually warm, 40F now. There were even some rumbles of thunder and plenty of rain. It has snowed all of about 3 times this year. I miss the snow :( , but I bet I'd hate it if I lived where some of you guys do :lol: . I'm definitely glad it's not -30 here :D

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 31 Jan 2008, 00:58
by jopbgon
Its 25Âșcelcius here :wink:

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 31 Jan 2008, 03:27
by andywoolloo
It's cold, damp and rainy here! Right now its like 40 i think, maybe 45. And I was in nothern Florida the last 4 days and they had the same exact weather as here!

Barbie, your snow looks nice and your dog is pretty. Shane, cool truck. Birger, nice creek!

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 31 Jan 2008, 13:38
by Richard B
Raining this morning & got soaked on the way to work - light snow forecast for the start of the weekend - in reality this means that a couple of dozen snowflakes will be seen somewhere in the UK, far from me :(

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 31 Jan 2008, 19:51
by Barbie
I could box you up snow and send you some, if you'd like ;). This stuff is totally miserable! We got three more inches last night (of what my husband calls heart attack snow it's so heavy!), and we're scheduled to have more snow in the coming week. I don't mind the occasionally snow storm usually, but holy wow, this is getting ridiculous!

At least the dang dogs love the stuff and it keeps them clean. I'll try to look at the bright side here, hehe.


Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 31 Jan 2008, 19:53
by Bas Pels
Barbie wrote:I could box you up snow and send you some, if you'd like ;).
You do realize it's tempting? Haven't had snow in years :shock:

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 01 Feb 2008, 00:37
by Birger
Well it was up to -2 today in the sun and will drop down to -15 or -20 overnight, that makes it a pleasant winter day... we had some cloud but mostly many of you are in the constant rain and cloud I would find that harder than the cold(not much for humidity here)...people are so much more cheerful when the sun is out...oops... not that you aren't a cheerful bunch!
At least the dang dogs love the stuff and it keeps them clean.
you just wait till it warms up a bit and see how clean they stay...send a picture then!!


Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 01 Feb 2008, 02:05
by andywoolloo
I could box you up snow and send you some, if you'd like
no thanks! I used to live in the snow in new jersey, now i only visit it when I want. :D it is pretty from afar!

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 01 Feb 2008, 08:22
by Barbie
Birger I purchased a carpet shampooer for just such an emergency! :lol: We do have only grass, no mud, thank goodness, and a big deck they have to cross to get in the house, but yes, I'm sure there will be many towels in my future. Luckily they think they're getting special attention, not just cleaned off, so they patiently wait their turn, hehe.

Now they're saying MORE snow storms of the more than 6" variety all through next week. The governor declared a state of emergency for the entire state. I'm trying to decide if that means I can close the store and stay home for a day or two ;).


Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 01 Feb 2008, 12:20
by catxx
i miss real snow. i'd love to see real snow here. but even 1/2 a cm can cause the city to grind to a halt...central london is rubbish.
there were rumours flying around yesterday of it snowing here, everyone got excited, it's not going to though. in fact it's sunny right now. all snow melts by lunchtime anyway.

i'd give mountains and a foot of snow any day for rubbish slightly-cold-but-not-real-cold-but-still-enough-for-city-types-to-complain drizzly yucky miserable london anyway.

Re: -30 here...what is it like where you are

Posted: 01 Feb 2008, 14:33
by bronzefry
The weather has been typically "New England." Near zero one day(Farenheit) plus wind chill, the next day is 50 degrees F. We lost some trees during one snow storm. We had to call the tree guy two days in a row. No electricity during that one. Ah-yuh. Last week, part of the state of Massachusetts(Cape Cod and the Islands) got a foot of snow, the other part only 2" of snow. The storm was supposed to miss us. We're due for an ice storm today, I think. Maybe it'll suddenly warm up 40 degrees F. and we'll get rain. As Mark Twain once said, "If you don't like the weather in New England, wait a minute...." :beardy: