Too many fish?

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Too many fish?

Post by Andy_K »

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Re: Too many fish?

Post by Plecofanatic1989 »

Maybe not too many if you have a really powerful filter and do water changes at least once a week, but your stocking is most definitiely on the heavy side. Bump it up to a 30 gallon and you'll be fine.
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Re: Too many fish?

Post by Richard B »

I always try to advise stocking levels based on the surface area of a tank as opposed to the water volume, as some tanks are quite high whereas the surface area is what really counts - if memory serves me correctly a rough guide for a tropical freshwater tank we should allow 10 square inches of surface area for every inch of body length of fish (tail not included). High levels of filtration allows us a little more.

For example a tank 10"x10" would support a 1" fish,
A 48"x12" would support 57 1" fish or 28 2" fish etc

remember to allow for growth to adult sizes
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Re: Too many fish?

Post by catxx »

not necessarily overstocked but very very close to it.

bumping up to a 30 gallon i would definately recommend, and get your serpaes a couple more to their group, up to at least 6, they can be 'orrible little fin nippers! and watch the cray, they can turn fish-eaters! especially with tasty little bumbling corys running about on the bottom of the tank.

but with a 30 gallon you could definately get your existing corys a couple more friends too.
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