Raphael gape size

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Raphael gape size

Post by bushynose_cory »

How big is the gape of a raphael? Like, how big of a fish can an adult raphael swallow? A male guppy?
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Re: Raphael gape size

Post by natefrog »

A guppy is not very likely prey for a raph. Something smaller and more of a mid-bottom fish is more likely food.
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Re: Raphael gape size

Post by bushynose_cory »

A neon tetra? About 1 inch long and thin?
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Re: Raphael gape size

Post by Richard B »

In theory an adult Raphael could eat a guppy, neon or similar. The cat will be active at night when the other fish which are diurnal will be "sleeping" so it makes it more of a possibility. It is not the most common of occurrances when you have a well fed cat though, but if really hungry they'll eat whatever they can find. Lots of fish will eat others if the opportunity arises & they are really hungry.
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