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A. ranunculus sexing, opinions please

Posted: 30 Dec 2007, 21:01
by Birger
Need opinions on the sex of these three fish please

<img src=" ... 064cb2.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by"><br>

number1---80mm TL
<img src=" ... 019cw6.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by"><br>
<img src=" ... 023ur1.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by"><br>
<img src=" ... 054pc9.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by"><br>

number 2---100mm TL
<img src=" ... 035zn0.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by"><br>
<img src=" ... 031se6.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by"><br>
<img src=" ... 058he1.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by"><br>

number 3----105mm TL
<img src=" ... 042mk1.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by"><br>
<img src=" ... 040xc0.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by"><br>
<img src=" ... 053re9.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by"><br>

Posted: 30 Dec 2007, 21:48
by Haavard Stoere
Nice pictures :D

This is just an opinion.
1 Female. Oblong papillae.

2 Female. I think the pectoral spines are thinner than fish 3. Very uncertain.

3 Male. Perfectly round papillae and thick pectoral spines.

Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 11:59
by Haavard Stoere
I am sure Birger would appreciate other opinions;)

Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 15:03
by corydoras

I agree with Haavard on fish 1 and 3. Really not sure about 2, looks more like a underdevloped male to me. I certainly would not bet any money on it.

Looks like you have a pair though!


Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 18:59
by macvsog23

I would say 2 ladies and one male

but very young

Are you going to try to breed these?

Mine are still small around 4-5 inch

my male has maked out a cave and sits inside all day

Let me know if you get any luck

Regards Bob

Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 21:26
by Jon
Are these very recent purchases? If so, I would not consider papillal sexing an option. That being said, I would agree that the second fish appears to be male.

Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 07:37
by Birger
Thanks Haavard and others, I was thinking female and two males but started to doubt myself after getting an opinion wrong on one of these in another thread.
Are these very recent purchases? If so, I would not consider papillal sexing an option
I considered that...I have had them 3 or 4 months now,they have been eating, there seems to be a visual difference between 1 and 3 as Haarvard noted, I will have to take a better picture of #2
Are you going to try to breed these?
Yes that is the plan...but...with their reputation I was just trying to make sure they were eating and comfortable so far,I realize also they have some maturing to do so I am in no rush,I will just make them comfy and see what happens


Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 21:16
by Jon
"Mine are still small around 4-5 inch "

This is as large as they get, ballpark.