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The old fish house

Posted: 10 Jan 2003, 23:50
by clothahump
One project of mine acouple of years ago that I never finished, at one stage I thought I was going to have to sell it all but I managed to hang on to it.
Hopefully it will all be reinstalled in the new fish house by easter.



Posted: 11 Jan 2003, 00:13
by sharpshootercatfish
dats alot o fish tanks how big r thay and how much a pop

Posted: 11 Jan 2003, 00:25
by clothahump
18" x 15" x 15" with built in filter chamber.
Cost = Nearly my Marriage.

Posted: 11 Jan 2003, 00:32
by Rusty
:lol: For some reason, fish and mothers/wives just don't mix.

Posted: 11 Jan 2003, 04:26
by caril
i'm on your side... :lol:

Posted: 11 Jan 2003, 04:44
by smilingSyno
Rusty that is not true!!!
My husband got me addicted to fish about a year ago. :mrgreen:
I got a 10" Pellegrini pleco for Christmas LOL

Posted: 11 Jan 2003, 12:15
by philtre
hi clothahump

your fish house's looking great. hope you get it up and running as soon as possible! btw, what are you thinking of putting in all those tanks? :mrgreen: cories? :razz: are they all two feet tanks? tell us more! how many tanks, how many types of fishes, how many fish .... etc! tell us more, tell us more! ; )

actually I agree with smilingSyno. hehehe ...I think as long as the person (wife/ husband/ mother/ father / partner/ loved ones ... etc etc) doesn't understand your passion for the things in your life, there'll bound to be disagreements/ disparaging remarks. :shock:

oh well ... that's life.

Posted: 11 Jan 2003, 12:51
by Yann
Hi Tim!!!

I remember the old Catfish-Corner time when you first show us this and then sadly told us that you would have to sell it...
I am pretty happy for you that you did not!!!!

Looking forward to seeing it fully installed and with fish swimming happilly in it!!!!



Posted: 11 Jan 2003, 18:10
by mokmu
Yeah, I saw these pics back then. Good you didnt let go of it.

I have to agree with you guys on fish and wives. I will have to envy smiling sino. These instances rarely happen. Lucky husband you got there. And lucky you for getting the 10" pellegrini.

Posted: 12 Jan 2003, 03:52
by SirHelm
LOL... I agree. For some reason my wife cannot understand my new hobby. Weird. But it is cool that MR and MRS fish can share the joy of catfish!!!


Posted: 12 Jan 2003, 07:57
by smilingSyno
Hmm... give her a catfish for her birthday! Or name one after her. A pretty one please!!! :wink:

Posted: 12 Jan 2003, 10:26
by Silurus
Nope, she doesn't like catfish much (complains that they are either always hiding or just plain ugly). I don'y think she'd be too impressed if I named a catfish after her too.

Heok Hee

Posted: 13 Jan 2003, 23:08
by Dinyar
Silurus wrote:complains that they are either always hiding or just plain ugly.
Funny, that's exactly what my wife says! I'm beginning to suspect they're instant messaging about us behind our backs! :shock:

On the plus side, my three year old daughter is very into fish. She threw a major tantrum when her mother insisted that I remove the two 10 gal tanks in her room! Good girl! :razz:


Posted: 13 Jan 2003, 23:14
by clothahump
My wife is OK with the fish, she loves to sit and watch them.
The problem was all the money I used to try to set up in business only to fail.
I will rebuild the fish house though, that is for certain.

Posted: 14 Jan 2003, 03:50
by Shane
Actually, my wife is pretty good with the fish and even fills in by doing water changes when I am too busy with work to do them myself. She has also, frankly, become as much or more of a disease and medication expert than I am. While taking care of my tanks while I was out of town on business (sometimes for months at a time) she has spawned kribs, Ancistrus (2 spp), Farlowella, and Rineloricaria. I have to give her credit because if I were home for these spawns I would have taken credit for them.
Here only hang up is collecting as her idea of a fun Saturday is not lifting up rocks to catch Chaetostoma! It might also have something to do with the fact that the current in the Rio Tiznados, Venezuela washed her away while we were after Farlowella. Since my wife is not a strong swimmer this was pretty traumatic for her.