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Corydoras for a tank with temprature above 25C?

Posted: 19 Jun 2003, 12:10
by Kostas
I plan to set up a 300l tank and fill it with L81 or LDA33 but i also want to put a shoal of small corydoras.As i have seen to the cat-eLog corydoras like low teprature.So i would like to ask if any corydoras like temprature above 25C and if he would be suitable for this pleco tank.

Thanks in advance

Warm water cories...

Posted: 28 Jun 2003, 18:24
by Ignots

While not really a small cory, Corydoras gossei is one that does like warmer water. When I was breeding them, I always kept them around 28C.


Posted: 29 Jun 2003, 03:31
by Adam
My tanks don't really get all that cold. I've kept C. sterbai upto about 32oC for a few days and above 30oC for over 2 months with out any real problems. Besides that I think their one of the better looking species.

I'm sure there are many others from a similiar biotype.


Posted: 29 Jun 2003, 14:54
by Shane
Any Corydoras from the llanos could easily live at 25C. That gives you...
C. venezuelanus "black" (NOT the piedmont form)
C. septentrionalis
C. habrosus
C. metae
C. axelrodi
C. concolor
C. cortesi
C. melanotaenia
C. simulatus
These are just examples. There are many other sp. from the llanos.

Posted: 29 Jun 2003, 16:08
by Kostas
Thank you all very much for the help. :D