Looking for catfish

All posts regarding the care and breeding of catfishes from other parts of the world (North America, Europe and Australia). If you don't know where your catfish is from, post a query in the identification category.
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Looking for catfish

Post by Fishdude »

I have a 29 gallon tank that I am in the process of redoing. I will have a heavily planted tank and I will be using eco-complete as my substrate. I would like to get some unusual looking catfish to put in my tank could somebody give me any suggestions on some species that might work for my tank?
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Post by MatsP »

What sort of "unusual" do you want?

Almost all catfish are a bit different from other fish, so it's kind of hard to recommend something. Obviously, your tank-size gives a max size of about 5-6", but that still leaves quite a few species to choose from. To be precise, the Cat-eLog has 864 species that are under 150mm (approx 6").

There is a search feature in the Cat-eLog, where you can enter your criteria for a fish, such as max size, temperature range [be specific on this one, or you get very few matches], body of water, family/genus. It doesn't search on "unusual look" tho - maybe in next version ;-)

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Post by Richard B »

When you say unusual looking catfish are you asking for something that is unusual for a catfish? that is something that looks like something else?

Perhaps Chaca might fit your needs & could go well in your set-up?
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Post by MatsP »

are definitely on the "unusual" side of even Catfish species, I agree.

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Re: Looking for catfish

Post by mr.gobie »

If you have sand in your tank I would Recomend the Croaking Spiny Catfish of a cat fish that will to good if you have Wilted beech leaves is the Dysichthys coracoideus catfish.
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Re: Looking for catfish

Post by Birger »

I will have a heavily planted tank

Lets try it this way...what are your plants mostly South American, African, Asian?

what do "you" like...pleco's, synodontis or maybe some of the asian species?

Are you looking for one or more?

What is available to you where you are?

There could be a a zillion combinations!!! well maybe not a zillion(whatever that is)but a lot

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Re: Looking for catfish

Post by MatsP »

Considering the original post was from mid-december, one would think that the orignal poster has made his/her mind up, and the re-opening of the thread is pretty pointless.

I don't know what a zillion is, but a gazillion is 2 to the power of 28, or about a quarter of a billion when used by geeks [it represents the 16 highest values of a 32-bit number, which is what most home computers use as to make calculations, so 16 gazillion is as far as the machine will go, next is 0 - like an odometer (the thing that counts miles in a car) that wraps around to 0 after it's done 999999 kilometers/miles)].

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Re: Looking for catfish

Post by Birger »

Considering the original post was from mid-december, one would think that the orignal poster has made his/her mind up, and the re-opening of the thread is pretty pointless.
Yes...I got fooled on this one was just going through the list of brand new posts without looking at dates zzz
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