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clarias batrachus spawning

Posted: 27 Nov 2007, 20:53
by juree
put my clarias batrachus male 32cm and female 34cm in to new 450L tank and they do what ? they SPAWNING !

spawning clarias batrachus

Posted: 29 Nov 2007, 11:44
by juree
first spawning was unlucky - all (only 100 eggs)fallen after 24hours but male guard all time and scare away female. Now i feeding three times aday and wait for one more spawning after 2-3 weeks- mother,i mean female comes bigger and bigger.. to be continued
If i did it i be first in free Latvia...

clarias before spawning

Posted: 08 Dec 2007, 20:34
by juree
Hi,my female are so big.T=24,7'C just 5min ago female have a supper- two "canadians" -night crawlers each 10cm !!! it was so easy !male even scare from them-he eat granula mix and little bit red worm.Looks like male wait until female is eaten OK !
Waiting for Your replies-im just beginner !

Re: clarias batrachus spawning

Posted: 30 Jan 2008, 22:22
by juree need replyes.Speak with clever russian who spawning clarias in soviet Latvia and - 34cm male is too young and if all egs fungused after only 15-20hours that means -eggs was empty.