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Spotted Raphaels behavior!

Posted: 20 Oct 2007, 07:22
by robby1619
Hey guys
It's now 3 days i have been following what the raphs are doing lately.
2 last days the biggest of them(the male),i belive started to come out very often and swim back and fourth...he never did that before.
It seems like he was looking for something,like a spot/place
Well tonite he did the same thing but this time the other raphael(female)..came out aswell and did swim back and fourth but only a few times and then stopped at the corner of the tank.
The male(i belive it is) started to swim back and fourth again and stopped on top of the other raphael.
Then later the male went in to the cave of the wood and i could see some bubbles(air) coming out of the cave,then the female went in after he came out of there.then they start the swim thing again.
This behavior is the first time i see they do and this started after i have changed the gravel.
The bigger raphael is still doing this and sometimes at daytime aswell but the smaller one is in the cave.
I also noticed that they didn't eat at all and thats strange!
The bigger raphael was also protecting the smaller raphael,..The P.maccus got very interested in this Raphael behavior so he wanted to get a closer look as you can se at the pics.
Sombody knows what they are doing..just playing around?
I will take notes and keep my eyes on them to see what will happend.

Posted: 25 Oct 2007, 22:01
by grokefish
I would love it if you kept an eye on this as one of my goals in life is to try my best at breeding these fish.
I have been trying for years now and I believe that I was getting somewhere until my breeding project got fried this summer.
I have started again though but it will be a few years probably until they are mature.

Posted: 26 Oct 2007, 12:08
by robby1619
Thats to bad that thing happend!..sorry.
Do you have any thing that you could share with me on this?..i would apreciate it a lot :wink:
The last 2 days they are not as active as they where before and still they are not eating like usual either!I give them algea waffers and Frozen blood worms that they like but havent seen them eat like they did before.

Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 00:17
by TheFishGuy
When I read the title to this thread I thought to myself... Huh... I've had mine for six years and can count on one hand how many times I've seen them!

Lucky you! Very nice fish!

Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 10:08
by robby1619
Everybody that see the pics or my vid says the same thing!
"i never see mine".."your raphs are crazy" :lol: ...
Well they are not so active anymore now,i hardly see them now!
One week+ and i havent seen them at all.
Here is an older vid i have that shows the Raphs searching for waffer in daytime.

Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 15:17
by robby1619
I saw them today but what i saw i didn't like very much!
The one Raphael has a very light brown color and the other one is normal black color...why is that?
Here are some pics of the lighter color fella.

Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 15:48
by Bas Pels
I think this one is looking quite thin too

I have no experiences with this species, and I know many dorids are supposed to spawn in an airbubble nest, but somehow I get the feeling eggs have been produced

Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 18:02
by robby1619
If you see the pics above you can see that they where not thin at all but today i saw this one and it looks thinner and the color much different from the other one.
He/she came out for food and back in the cave almost emideately.