Advice on 55g Cruising Catfish
Posted: 19 Oct 2007, 21:51
Hi all, new to PC and am looking for a little advice.
We have a 55g freshwater tank that is what I consider a typical novice setup. Small plants (no idea of type)in small clumps through the middle with the left side of the tank under a nice surface of duckweed and some longer plants that reach to the surface. 12" or so piece of bogwood in front of the plants.
Bubblewall in the middle at the back and the right side has a couple of 6" decorative rocks with java moss growing like a weed and housing a colony of cherry shrimp (as does the bogwood). Once I find a hosting site or figure out how to use my Comcast space I will post a few pics.
Currently, our tank contains:
Our Fish
0.0.1 Spotted Cory - Corydoras agassizii
0.0.1 Sail Fin Pleco - Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps
3.0.0 Sailfin Dalmation Mollies - Poecilia latipinna
0.0.7 Cardinal Tetras - Paracheirodon axelrodi
0.0.3 Congo Tetras - Phenacogrammus interruptus
1.0.0 Lyretail Swordtail - Xiphophorus helleri
2.0.2 Fancy Guppies - Poecilia reticulata
0.0.2 Red Dwarf Gouramis - Colisa lalia
0.0.2 Malaysian Trumpet Snails - Melanoides tuberculata
30ish Cherry Shrimp - Neocaridina denticulata sinensis
3-5 Ramshorn Snails (taxonomy unknown)
I was hoping that the Cory would have been a more active "working catfish" but he seems content to hang out behind the bogwood only making daring forays when brine shrimp falls from the sky.
I see the Pictus Cats (Pimelodus pictus) and have always loved them. Like the Marbled Raphael Cat (Amblydoras hancockii) they remind me of sharks cruising around the bottom of the tank and I love the long body and long flowing barbels.
Are there any concerns about putting either of these, primarily the Pictus as I like their look more) in with what we have? The Cardinal Tetras are adults as are the guppies. My biggest concern would be if the shrimp would be considered dinner all the time.
Any thoughts? I had also considered getting a few Oil Catfish (Tatia perugiae). They don't satisfy my "shark cruise" look and they seem a little more nocturnal than I prefer but they certainly are little beauties
Thanks a ton!
We have a 55g freshwater tank that is what I consider a typical novice setup. Small plants (no idea of type)in small clumps through the middle with the left side of the tank under a nice surface of duckweed and some longer plants that reach to the surface. 12" or so piece of bogwood in front of the plants.
Bubblewall in the middle at the back and the right side has a couple of 6" decorative rocks with java moss growing like a weed and housing a colony of cherry shrimp (as does the bogwood). Once I find a hosting site or figure out how to use my Comcast space I will post a few pics.
Currently, our tank contains:
Our Fish
0.0.1 Spotted Cory - Corydoras agassizii
0.0.1 Sail Fin Pleco - Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps
3.0.0 Sailfin Dalmation Mollies - Poecilia latipinna
0.0.7 Cardinal Tetras - Paracheirodon axelrodi
0.0.3 Congo Tetras - Phenacogrammus interruptus
1.0.0 Lyretail Swordtail - Xiphophorus helleri
2.0.2 Fancy Guppies - Poecilia reticulata
0.0.2 Red Dwarf Gouramis - Colisa lalia
0.0.2 Malaysian Trumpet Snails - Melanoides tuberculata
30ish Cherry Shrimp - Neocaridina denticulata sinensis
3-5 Ramshorn Snails (taxonomy unknown)
I was hoping that the Cory would have been a more active "working catfish" but he seems content to hang out behind the bogwood only making daring forays when brine shrimp falls from the sky.
I see the Pictus Cats (Pimelodus pictus) and have always loved them. Like the Marbled Raphael Cat (Amblydoras hancockii) they remind me of sharks cruising around the bottom of the tank and I love the long body and long flowing barbels.
Are there any concerns about putting either of these, primarily the Pictus as I like their look more) in with what we have? The Cardinal Tetras are adults as are the guppies. My biggest concern would be if the shrimp would be considered dinner all the time.
Any thoughts? I had also considered getting a few Oil Catfish (Tatia perugiae). They don't satisfy my "shark cruise" look and they seem a little more nocturnal than I prefer but they certainly are little beauties
Thanks a ton!