why did it happen?

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why did it happen?

Post by eurospage »

hey guys i know this is nothing to do with catfish but i had 6 clown loaches for a few weeks now and they all seemed to be fine untill i cam home today and all six were dead. water conditions ph 7, ammonia 0, nitrite 0 and nitrate around 20/30. does anybody know what could have caused this. many thanks
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Post by eurospage »

sorry the ph 6.4 and nitrate is ten. cheers
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Post by Marc van Arc »

Sudden temperature drop?
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Post by rahendricks »

You might try http://www.loaches.com.
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Post by Barbie »

If the tank was set up within the last 6 weeks, the odds are good the nitrites might have spiked and just dropped off. If not, a sudden death like that is usually the fault of a contaminant of some kind. Was there anything else in the tank? Cleaners used in the room today or anything?

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Post by eurospage »

i was at work all day. temp was around 24 when i left and come home. The tank is a few months old now and ive got a plec, clown plec 2 x upside down catfish, 2 humbug catfish and spotted catfish, panda and peperred cories. All the other fish seem fine. Any clues
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Post by apistomaster »

I lean toward Barbie's thoughts; did you use any malachite green based Ich meds?
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Post by eurospage »

No i didnt use any treatments in the tank at all. Could they just die?? Or another fish stress them out too much.?
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