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Monster Fish Rescue
Posted: 10 Oct 2007, 01:44
by TheFishGuy
Hi everyone, I’m looking for opinions on a t-shirt design. We’re still in the preliminary stages but this is what we’ve come up with so far… What do you think? Was considering if a person made a $25 donation or higher they’d get one of these:
The “T” would be white with this on the front about 8” tall
Moderators, if this is in the wrong folder could you please move it or delete it. Thanks, Jonathan
Posted: 10 Oct 2007, 10:06
by MatsP
I personally don't think the Oscar in the middle looks right. The crossed big cats are fine, but the oscar needs to either be completely removed, or off-center.
Another personal point is that the tall and narrow text is a bit hard to read.
Posted: 10 Oct 2007, 10:48
by Alan
How about the fish swimming slightly towards the camera instead of away from it? And I agree that the oscar doesn't really look right.
Posted: 10 Oct 2007, 19:42
by Aura
Great idea, but I think the design is too "busy" looking. It's kind of confusing at first glance with the fish overlapped the way they are.
With a white T-shirt, maybe a darker oscar would stand out better?
Posted: 11 Oct 2007, 03:22
by snowball
MatsP wrote:I personally don't think the Oscar in the middle looks right. The crossed big cats are fine, but the oscar needs to either be completely removed, or off-center.
Or in the Red-tail's mouth!
just joking ;)
I would be inclined to separate the fish images, I suspect when printed on a t-shirt the definition between the two big fish will be lost and it will not look quite as you intend.
I think Mats is right about the text being a bit hard to read when stretched out like that, although the curve works.
Posted: 11 Oct 2007, 06:25
by RoseFishWatcher
Cool idea, but I think the fish positions need to be tweaked for a really sharp design.
Most problematically, my first impression was that the redtail and its head were 2 separate fish that just happened to be placed so that it looked like 1 fish (due to the curve of the fish and placement of the oscar over it). I had to do a double take to figure out exactly what I was looking at.
Agreed on the tall text too, hard to read.
I hope the shirts come out looking nice!
Posted: 11 Oct 2007, 12:08
by TheFishGuy
Thanks guys for the feedback, it's pretty consistent with what others have said on other forums...
I do have a better picture of another oscar... a tiger, I'll be using that and moving it down to the right a bit...
I too do not like the font, I've got something a little better in mind... I'm going to lose the "www" which will help I think...
Also the shirts will only be a $15 donation, a littl more reasonable I think...
I'll be back soon with a different picture... Thanks again! Jonathan
Posted: 11 Oct 2007, 12:43
by bronzefry
Hey Jon,
I agree with the others and it's a great idea!
Posted: 11 Oct 2007, 17:34
by TheFishGuy
Well... We got rained out today so I've edited the text a bit, but haven't gotten the picture options back from the person helping with that... But here's the text..... The oscar is going to be a picture of one of the tiger oscars that was a rescue and has since been adopted... The one still in the picture was my beloved "Oscar", she was 11 when she went onto the great fish bowl in the sky... Thought it'd be cool to honor her by putting her on the shirt but I can't find a clear or big enough picture of her...
Here's the new text:
Posted: 12 Oct 2007, 11:08
by MatsP
Text is definitely more readable. Whilst I understand your senitiments to the Oscar, I still think it's a bit "messy" they way it is. Perhaps if you put the oscar above the two catfish (between their heads, essentially).
Posted: 12 Oct 2007, 11:32
by TheFishGuy
Yeah, the oscar's actually going to be towards the bottom right....
Posted: 12 Oct 2007, 19:00
by hfjacinto
I would change the text to white and put in on a black t-shirt.
Posted: 12 Oct 2007, 19:40
by MatsP
I don't think the fish will show up very well on a black T-shirt.
Posted: 12 Oct 2007, 23:41
by TheFishGuy
Well.... Just about every color will be offered, so if you want black you can get it with white printing

If it's ok with the mods I'd be glad to post the preliminary minimum donations...
Posted: 13 Oct 2007, 19:53
by betta blue
How about using your Oscar like a Logo and having a very small picture of it over your heart with the main, large picture centered with your website underneath? Then any other promotion you do always has this small picture of an Oscar including stationary, emails, etc?
Blue Betta
Posted: 14 Oct 2007, 01:32
by TheFishGuy
Hmmnnn that's a good idea....
Posted: 19 Oct 2007, 12:44
by TheFishGuy
I've got a question for you all... If we decided to go with a species specific shirt for the first edition, what would you like to see on it? I'm posting this on all the boards to see what people would like to see on the first shirt. So bring it on!
Jonathan, (aka TheFishGuy)

Posted: 23 Oct 2007, 12:53
by TheFishGuy
Ok, a final decision has been made as to what exactly will be on the first edition shirt. I'll be going to the print shop today to get a protype made. I should have the actual shirt in my hands by the end of the week! If I'm happy with it you guys will be the first to know!
Here it is:
Small print:
I belong to 20 forums, so this will be a "copy and paste" post. Please don't be offended!
Posted: 23 Oct 2007, 16:38
by worton[pl]
imho very good choice many ppl just dont realize how big clowns may grow. It is very sad to see this splendid loaches very often in much too small tanks.
Visit with this shirt as many pet shops as you can :).
Posted: 23 Oct 2007, 19:51
by TheFishGuy
Finally someone who gets it! That's the whole point to these shirts! Wear them to local shops, educated the consumer and the shop owners!
I should have the prototype shirt in my hands this Friday

Posted: 25 Oct 2007, 20:41
by bronzefry
I love that idea for a t-shirt!!!
Posted: 26 Oct 2007, 00:55
by TheFishGuy
Well thank you! Would you like me to let you know when they're available?
Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 21:13
by Smilingpiranha
that final design is ace

and as for marge endorsing it, good on her for forking out the dosh ;)
anywho, 2nd edition, using your original design, you could move the 2 cats to make a v and have the oscar in the middle of the v, then have marge on the back as she so kindly endorsed it

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 00:19
by TheFishGuy
I have in my possesion two prototype shirts, one is white another is tan...
The shirts are NOT available yet. Work is being done to the website and there's been a hiccup in the remodeling of the site...
Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 23:38
by TheFishGuy
I hope this is not against the rules of the site, but here's the link to the T-shirts page of my site:

Posted: 22 Nov 2007, 00:34
by TheFishGuy
Hi everyone, wanted to let the catfish lovers of the world know that the next shirt is in the works, it's going to be an oscar shirt! I should have one next friday!
Posted: 30 Nov 2007, 00:26
by TheFishGuy
Hi guys! I've got some pictures of what the loach shirts look like on some darker shirts!

And!! Here's the prototype of the
Oscar shirt now available! The oscar on the shirt is going to be about 3" larger, but there's no reason not to show it off and make it available!
Thanks so much for your support and opinions!
Jonathan (aka TheFishGuy)
There's a quick link to the shirts in my signature!
Posted: 30 Nov 2007, 18:47
Very nice t-shirts, esp. like the dark, loach one the most. Good luck with your venture

Posted: 01 Dec 2007, 00:42
by TheFishGuy
Thank you, they can be order in a variety of colors

Re: Monster Fish Rescue
Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 01:19
by TheFishGuy
Hi everyone! I’ve got some great news! There’s a new shirt available at Check it out!
This is the third edition, the fourth will be coming out very soon! It’s already been made but there were some issues with it…