Garlic oil

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betta blue
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Garlic oil

Post by betta blue »

A LFS advised me to soak my fish flakes and bloodworm in a garlic oil item they sell before feeding my fish. It's suppose to keep their immune systems up? I had a recent problem with Ich on my clown loaches but never saw the spots on my Pl*c. I have searched the internet and with everything I read...seems to be quite a new concept but mostly directed to saltwater tanks. Can anyone give me any information on this? I know people with Malaria and I look at Ich to be like a malaria parasite which lasts with you for your life...I don't you totally get rid of the ich from the infected fish? Is garlic only good for pizzas or does it really help the immune system of a fish? Would like some advise...thank you...

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Post by Bas Pels »

I never heard of people jusing garlic oil in a tank, but, frankly, thinking of it, I have heard about people using garlic for their fishes.

Itch is something which does not stay with the fish, it laeves the fish, and moulds ioudside it, but it is nearly impossible to get rid of.

However, healthy fishes don't get itch, it only has a change with weak or stressed fishes. Thas, new fishes are vulnerable - for your itch, or they already had it, and this way they act as a step-stone for the desease, in order to infect the other fishes

However, I get the imprssion your itch episode is already over
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Re: Garlic oil

Post by Marc van Arc »

betta blue wrote:I don't you totally get rid of the ich from the infected fish? Is garlic only good for pizzas or does it really help the immune system of a fish?
From what I know the Ich parasite is always present in a tank, but it'll only manifest itself when fishes get weakened for some reason. That makes Ich a secundary disease in my book. Thus, when something is done about the primary cause, the Ich will "vanish" as well (until it sees fit to pop up again).
Therefore getting rid of Ich doesn't necessarily mean one has to use medication, although one shouldn't underestimate Ich. It may kill fishes.
Botias are well known Ich-magnets. Did you loose any? Did you change anything in your tank lately?
The garlic advice is probably well meant, but I'd rather use it on pizzas :wink:
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Post by tzwms »

I don't know about garlic helping fish' immune system, but discus people who make their own beef heart mixes add garlic and/or garlic oil as an appetite enhancer. :P :P
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Post by UNCLERICK666 »

Garlic has a long history of use as a medicine for fish, it is not a flavor enhancer, the oil mentioned, used as directed, is almost useless as a medicine, since it will mostly wash off and leave an oil slick on the water. in order to work the fish must eat the garlic!

I mix minced whole italian garlic with "Pro~Tec" "gel" food, and use whenever i get new fish. (the "gel" is great whenever you need to use internal meds)

Garlic is used as a natural way to remove internal parasites!

You can find the "gel' on auction @ or email me.

All the best.......uncle

[Mod edit: Use emacs to decaptalize the text - sorry if I removed some necessary caps - but i think it's more readable. --Mats]
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Post by apistomaster »

I think Jack Wattley was among the first who brought the use of the actual pieces of fresh garlic in his beef heart blends as an appetite enhancer and intestinal worm control medication for Discus to aquarists' attention..

As more people became aware of Jack's endorsement commercial food makers and other companies began packaging products with garlic extract in them. Jack always stresses garlic only works if its in the fresh whole form. He says the extracts do not work.

Now it comes down to how one feels about herbal medications. If a fish starts eating when it wasn't or gets well while you use it it is going to make some converts. I think the most important thing about using garlic on your fish is that it does no harm.
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betta blue
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Post by betta blue »

Thank you all! I agree with the concept of do I really want to do an oil slick in my aquarium. I don't think so. Maybe garlic is okay slipped into food cooked but I don't think fish like oil in their water. I just needed a heads up from you...getting very apprehensive from employees selling fish! Thanks cause I don't think I will ever trust an employee in a fish shop before asking you! Been a little over a year...kind of learning here including my own shortfalls! I'm not going to buy this garlic oil. I know have four clown loaches...two that never had ich in a 10 gal. tank eating snails til they drop...and two that were infected with ich when I bought them and are now healthy...hey...saved two fish from an aquarium that was doomed! Thank god I didn't hurt my pl*c! He's okay and the twig just sits next to him...they're buds according to the twig anyway...don't think the pl*c cares...

Thanks for telling me not to buy this stuff!

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