We have a gibbiceps (Pterygoplichthys or Glyptoperichthys, L083 or L165) who will soon be moving to a big, new, tank.
Who goes in with the gibbi? I had been led to believe that plecos would eat the skin secretions of discus and perhaps angelfish, but the website http://www.wetpetz.com/gibbiceps.html seems well informed, and says that angelfish will work ok.
Anybody got direct experience?
Gibbiceps & discus or angelfish
Some extra info
I posted this in http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/forum/, and got the response that the gibbi was not very likely to assault/feed off the discus, but might just intimidate/bump against it. The angelfish seems to be getting the vote. We are hoping to set up a 450l/120 gall. tank with the gibbi and some medium sized and attractive fish. Discus have the colours, angelfish have the shape.