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Petricola or Lucipinnis

Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 04:49
by Orbital
I got a ton of these guys now, the adult group if from 3 different sources. I thought this would be good for genetics for hopeful breeding later. After I come back from basic training and AIT I find out that some petricola are not "really" petricola...

What are my guys?


older picture, probably at least a year or two old.
[IMG:500:265] ... 0_0649.jpg[/img]

Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 08:12
by Silurus
I think these are lucipinnis.

Posted: 22 Aug 2007, 12:30
by Richard B
The bottom photo definately looks like lucipinnis.

The top photo probably is also as it is not quite a fully spotted fish which petricola seems to be in every incidence.