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What cat is this? baby so a hard one.

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 02:43
by courtnee
today I went to get some other fish and saw this little guy in the tank. They were not sure what they were (came with a order of ghost shrimp) , there were two of them. One of the employees took one home and I got the other. I want to ID it and see if I got myself a monster LOL I love catfish I couldnt pass him up even for $2.99. I just hope this isnt one that gets like 4ft and 50lbs LOL I have a 10gl for now, 55gl and eventually a 75gl and bigger eventually. I am hoping whatever this guy is I can give him a good home.

Hard to take pics. He is 1 inch or so very small. He is a dark brown to black color, has a pattern to him sides that appears calico almost. Best pics I could get.

Any ideas?

I have him in a 10gl with my male betta, there is a log in there for him to hide in. So far tonight so good. My pims in my 55gl would eat this guy for sure he is just to small right now LOL


Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 04:48
by diburning
It's a native North American Catfish. I am not sure what it is exactly though although I am 90% sure that you have a bullhead in the genus Ameiurus. I am beginning to think it is a juvinile brown bullhead. Ameiurus nebulosus: ... cies_id=52

Juvinile Brown bullheads are blackish brown with a yellowing marbled pattern on it's body

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 05:57
by courtnee
I figured all along it had a "bull head" look.

I dunno though ... es_id=1089

the markings on that seem closer....

Now if this is a native cat, and I am guessing tropical temp of 80F may be to much for this guy? He is in a 10gl with a heater that sticks at 80F, my 55gl that he will go into soon and the 75gl eventually will be around 78F, seems these types of cats like 75F tops....

that can be an issue..... I have tropicals :(

Now if this is the cat that gets to about 11" I have some thinking to do LOL He is gonna have to live with a common pleco in a 75gl and eventually my pims will have to stay away from this guy cause he could eat them, they are topping out at 6-7"


Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 22:18
by diburning
the spotted bullhead does not live in your state. I still say it's a brown bullhead