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Light brown catfish bought as Peckoltia Pulcher

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 21:53
by Edris
I've bought this fish as a peckoltia pulcher, for a cheap 9,5? but i don't think it is one.
It's very light brown (beige?) with just select few stripes. Less than the male pulcher.
It looked similar to the pulchers when i bought it but he was a bit smaller than the rest. Now after a month or 2 he clearly altered his looks.
He's around 5cm (about 2 inches) now, didn't grow very much. unlike my snowball, he grew 2cm in just 2 weeks.
Sorry for the bad quality pictures but he's really hard to get on camera. Very shy.


Here you can clearly see how light colored he is. Gravel is actually light grey (not white), maybe that has got to do with it's coloring.

Thanks in advance

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 22:23
by pleco_breeder

You have a small Panaque maccus. As small fish, they have a wider bars, but grow into the heavily striated pattern of your fish.

Larry Vires