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Favorite Catfish in your tank?

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 00:30
by KSUpilot
Not sure if this has been asked before, but out of all of the catfish that you own, which one is your favorite?

In my tank I have 1 Otto, 1 Pictus, 1 we're still trying to ID, 1 upside down, and 3 Ghosts.

I have to say the Ghosts are my favorite, as they are the most active and the most interesting looking.
The others kinda all eat when they want to. But each morning when I first pop the light on, the Ghosts immediately swim up to my filter's current and wait for me to drop the flakes in.
It is also amazing the size of flakes these guys can consume. I have dropped some in that I was about to scoop out because they were sometimes 2x the size of the Ghost's mouths. No problem for them!

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 09:34
by ali12345
My favourite has to be my midnight catfish. They come out in the evening regularly now for food and I still can't get over how much they have grown. They have that shark like charge and turn swimming motion. I have 5 and if I ever see any I will buy some more.
But of course it is a difficult choice - I love my talking cats, my woodcats, my elderly synos, my mystus too.

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 10:30
by bnalbino
Royal Whiptails 8) 8) 8)

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 11:35
by MatsP
I've got too many to have a single favourite. Often it's the "new ones" - simply because you already had the other ones.

E.g. my hoplo cats that I bought shortly before christmas. Saw them about 30 seconds a day for the first week or so, then they realized that it was OK in the new tank, and came out when fed - now you can't miss them in the tank (ok, so you don't always see all three at once, but they are always looking for something to eat somewhere).


Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 11:39
by Marc van Arc
at the moment.

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 12:57
by Richard B
My baby S.Granulosus, especially as they're now in with all the other tanganyikan synos & their interaction is fascinating.

Or maybe my new L.Oncinus in the other tank....

Or my Euchilichthys in the other tank....

Oh i dunno!

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 15:17
by Chrysichthys
Mine is my two . However, if you asked me what catfish I identify with, it's my avatar, .

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 16:02
by sidguppy
my current list of catfishes at home is ridiculously low....

I've only got 4 species :shock: ; 2 groups of Syno's, 1 group of P typus and a lone Ancistrus sp.
at work I can add another 3 in my tanks: S petricola from Burundi, Ancistrus sp L144 and Ancistrus sp 3 ("A domesticus"). that's about it.

my two favourites are included: the granny and P typus.

I'm still looking for Chrysichthys sianenna; if I can get it it's gonna be included in most favorite cats :wink:

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 18:44
by Iwona
My all-time number one favourite catfish is Heteropneustes fossilis
Number two is Agamyxis pectinifrons

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 19:14
by daniel60
Driftwood cats, of course - but there's something about Hyalobagrus flavus and Erethistes pusillus:




Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 20:42
by hfjacinto
Peckotelia Sabaji and a veil tail ancistrus (have no idea what the scientific mane is)

But I also like Pardalis and plain bushy noses also.

Heck I even like corydoras aneus and octocinclus.

I guess all are my favorite.

Posted: 05 Jun 2007, 21:16
by racoll
My have just spawned, so i'll have to say those. :D

But then again my are pretty cool too......


Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 18:50
by Andrew
My favorites wander around as I see new things or rediscover old ones. If I was setting up a tank right now I might do a species tank with a school of debauwi cats

[Mod edit: use persistant link for P. debauwi --Mats]

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 20:47
by KSUpilot
I'm thinking about doing a species tank one time when I am at school. I'm restricted on space, so a small 10 gallon of Ghosts might not be such a bad idea.

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 23:14
by Marc van Arc
KSUpilot wrote: Ghosts
Which species do you mean? I know of the Phantom catfish . Is this the same as the species you name Ghost?

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 00:43
by Dave Rinaldo
I think KSUpilot was talking about referenced in Andrews post.

Posted: 27 Jun 2007, 14:08
by grokefish
My favorite catfish has to be.......
The Grokefish!!!

Or Trachycorystes Trachycorystes

Posted: 05 Jul 2007, 08:00
by hellocatfish
Out of my stock, Corydoras Panda without a doubt. Something about their markings is soothing and hypnotizing to me and mine are so bold and active.

Posted: 05 Jul 2007, 14:59
by Tom88
My Synodontis Frontusus. He is too cool!! Super fun to watch.

Posted: 05 Jul 2007, 17:02
by grokefish
Actually my favorite catfish of all time is the spotted dora.

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 12:35
by Kattes
Liosomadoras oncinus by far. I have 4 of them and 6 more are on the way. They're pretty rare in this corner of the world. They're everything I love in a catfish: big mouthed, greedy and beautiful in a very catfishian way. They're a lot louder than any doradid I've ever had, and since the tank is one feet away from my bed I do get plenty of those lovely midnight sonatas.. They also seem to be somewhat social and they all used to sleep in a big pile under a mangrove branch. Now they're actually divided into two pairs since the bigger ones moved to a coconut in the another corner. They seem to spawn, but so far all the eggs have been eaten due to my sleeping habits.. It's also unknown if the eggs have actually been fertilized. Hopely some day I get to raise some of these lovely cats.

Posted: 20 Jul 2007, 22:28
by Redfish
I'd have to say my favorite catfish in my tank would be my peppered corydoras. I call him Jamie :lol: Corydoras have always been my favorite species.

Posted: 21 Jul 2007, 03:38
by taksan
My Tigrinus (s) they just rock my world !

Posted: 21 Jul 2007, 16:37
by Redfish
I used to have some Panda Corydoras as well. They were adorable.

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 21:12
by yellowcat
My speciality is keeping pseudopimelodids and of them my fave is my large cephalosilirus fowleri. At 14", a huge beast that rules my biggest tank and exudes confidence, she knows she's big and bad and her tankmates are often reminded of who's in charge...