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Maybe im a Panaque maccus or ??

Posted: 03 Jun 2007, 23:48
by axis_mundi
I got this little fellow from a friend, he didn't know what species it is. My guess is a Panaque maccus, but I'm not sure. It's 4-5 years old and 60-70mm long.
What's your opinion ??

Posted: 03 Jun 2007, 23:51
by Silurus
Your guess is right.

Posted: 09 Jun 2007, 17:02
by Tokis-Phoenix
Yeah its definately a Panaque maccus, do you have any wood in the tank at all? They like a lot of wood in their diet, bogwood/driftwood and mopani wood make good woods for these little plecos to eat- make sure you have good filtration though, as even though they are small plecos they poop like crazy (i have 7 of them in one of my tanks and have had to upgrade the filtration quite a few times in the tank) :) .

Posted: 09 Jun 2007, 23:03
by axis_mundi
Yes i have a lot of wood in the tank, driftwood, mopani and red moor. There is a good filtration in the tank, and lots of space for the litle fellow, tank size 158 gallon or 720 litre. But i think you are right, they poop a lot :D There live also 3 Hypostomus plecostomus and 2 Ancistrus sp. and a number of american cichlids