pseudoplatystoma tigrinis Amazon Variety
pseudoplatystoma tigrinis Amazon Variety
Ladies and gentlemen my name is Dan i am a contractor in michigan my interest in fish has been alive for about 30 years now and i especially like the amazon cats but any beatiful to rare cat will trip my trigger. I need help my tiger cat although when purchased it was believed to be a smaller fasciatum type it has been revealed to be a true amazon pseudoplatystoma tigrinis he is already 20 inches long in good to excellent health and only about 14 months old hea eats up to 500 feader goldfish per week and he is getting too big for the 75 gallon tank he is in (he has taken to swimming toward the top of the tank in order to trun around he is lethal if allowed to get too hungry he ate my pimelodus ornate on one occasion the pimelodus was eleven inches long! i thought he would have eaten my red parrots since they look a lot loke goldfish but he dicided the other cat was an easier meal the funny thing is he has shown no interest in the red parrots whatsoever and he is in with a small (stunted from gill disease by the pet store) lima cat he really likes the lima for some reason even lets him lay on top of him to make a long story shorter he is a beautiful specimen and i dont have the means to make a pond for him right now does anybody have a heated pond that might want him? Jullian here is your chance buddy thanks by the way i think he is male i have a featherfin synodontis that becomes gravid like clockwork about every six months and she keeps trying to get him to fertilize her she repeatedly tickles his cloaca with her wiskers nut he rebuffs her and goes to a different part of the tank