Different theory about syno milti hosts....

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Different theory about syno milti hosts....

Post by bushynose_cory »

"Would it be possible for tilapia to hold synodontis multipunctatus eggs?"
This is a line I read some time ago, but I can't remember where.
As the word says, would it be possible for the bigger-mouthed, easier-to-breed tilapiines(Namely Orechorimis mossambicus and O. niloticus) or not? They are very easy breeders, but they may not do it, because they don't reconize the smaller catfish eggs. Or the catfish may not want to do it with unfamilier species.
What do you think?
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Post by toddnbecka »

Should be worth a try, the hormones would most likley trigger the Syno's to spawn.
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Post by Richard B »

I may be wrong - i often am but i would think so.

Multis are bred with malawi c*****ds which are not a familiar species for either participant (in the truest sense) so why not a riverine mouthbrooder?
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Post by corybreed »

A friend that is doing research at the Univ. of Colorado told me they are having the best success using albino zebras as hosts. As with all albino fish their poor vision makes them better hosts than the Haps.

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Post by Seedy »

corybreed wrote:A friend that is doing research at the Univ. of Colorado told me they are having the best success using albino zebras as hosts. As with all albino fish their poor vision makes them better hosts than the Haps.

Have you contacted your friend in regards to the possibility that S. grandiops and S. multipunctatus could hybridize?
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Post by Seedy »

More thoughts on this subject. Before the revision in 2006 I believe Sidguppy and reported instances of S.multipunctatus scattering eggs and not breeding parasaticly. This would seem to contradict the scientific opinion of S. multipunctatus being an obligitory parasatic mouthbrooder.

Perhaps what Sidguppy witnessed was actually S. grandiops spawning?

Any thoughts?
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