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Hello everyone. New member

Posted: 29 Apr 2007, 19:54
by Troender
Hello, all of you!
Today I finally did what I should have done a looong time ago: I registered as a member here :D
I've been using PlanetCatfish for a long time as a source of knowledge, but never have had a single chat in here. Well, that's about to change :wink:

So, who am I? I'm a 34 year old girl, with an awful lot of water in my house. I started with fishes 13 years ago, in a very small bowl. Ever since that, there's almost always been tanks inside my house, well, apart from a small period of time I quit it all.

My passion is catfishes (of course) and puffers (and oops, I almost forgot the killifishes). Is there any kind of fish that is so beautiful as catfishes? In my opinion, no. L-catfishes is my biggest passion, with corydoras close up behind them.

With the passion for 4 different kinds of fishes (L- and c- catfishes, puffers and killies), it means a lot of tanks (puffers alone take half of them, as they have to stay in species alone tanks).

My absolute favourites here in my tanks are L-46 (of course...), L-200 and L-128, but I almost feel ashamed to admit that they are favourites. I love all of my suckers :wink: I also have a love for my single L-182 male, which really looks like a very overgrown ancistrus (which they are, when I think of it). And what a forest of bristles! The more bristles, the better :lol:

What else is here? A common pleco, gibbiceps, L-1, L-169, L-144, common ancistrus, L-147, panaque maccus, and of course the three I mentioned above. I probably have forgotten to mention some of my suckers now. And then there's my corys, which isn't so many yet, but will be, I guess: c. sterbai, c. arcuatus, brochis splendens (I will never think of them as something else than corys), c-121, c-140, and there will be c. concolor pretty soon too. And of course I wish for many more :lol:
I also had a very cute twig catfish, who was very loved (all though that's not a very rare fish). Unfortunately I lost her on my birthday in March. I still miss her.

So, that was a sneak peek into my house :lol:

Posted: 30 Apr 2007, 01:41
by paulf
Hiya, nice to see you on here? :)

Posted: 30 Apr 2007, 07:17
by Troender
Are you the one I think you are? If you are, you will get an order on a certain med today :wink:

Posted: 30 Apr 2007, 07:20
by Jools
Welcome aboard!


Posted: 01 May 2007, 17:14
by Troender
Thank you Jools :D
I forgot about my beautiful L-177. He is a beaute! BTW, here's the bristle forest I was talking about. My male L-182, named Småen (means the little one :wink: ).On his side is one of my three L-200Image

Posted: 02 May 2007, 22:30
by Richard B

Welcome to the site!

Richard B