a question for Coryman

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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a question for Coryman

Post by scotteim »

Hi Ian, tonight I was looking through all the past posts, (I guess I got to page 30 something and I came across a post by you) it was about black or dark colored sterbais you had raised to about breeding age. I was just curious about that project. Have you been succesful breeding them? I've some a school of 8 sterbai that have been spawning, is it very rare to see a black sterbai?


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Post by Coryman »


Up until now I have not really had the time or the space for that matter to try and breed back the black sterbai. The adults of this fish were a strain of C. sterbai from Bolivia, which seam to posses far darker pigment than the regular C. sterbai.

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Post by apistomaster »

Hi Ian,
They would be a major improvement over the "new" albino sterbai working it's way into the hobby.
Avid Trout fly fisherman. ·´¯`·...¸><)))º>
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