My Poor Little Blue
Posted: 18 Apr 2007, 14:22
I got 7 panda corys on 02/03/07. They had bad fungus issues so I treated them with 1/4 the dose of Mythelen Blue as directed by my local fish shop. I had 4 fish die: 1 on 02.03.07, 2 on 06.03.07, and 1 on 09.03.07. The remaining 3 healed wonderfully, though they were stained blue and lump free: ... index.html
as you can see in the above pic, all fish are fine and healthy looking except the panda corys are blue where the albino bronze corys are not. I got them together, quarinteined them together, and so on, but they're fine and all lived. Go figure.
Anyway, on 15.03.07 we moved them in with the other panda corys in our downstairs tank. On 19.03.07 he started tilting to one side and having swimming issues, so we treated the tank with half a dose of the swimbladder stuff, did a full corse and he was fine.
On 29.03.07 he started having swimming issues again, basically:
* Fish's back end started floating, had what looked like white spot
* removed and treated for white spot
* noticed white spot vanished, was sand, he went belly up
* started draining tank, and swished him gently in water without touching him as I noticed a large lump at the base of his tail
* went normal
* went belly up again
* put new water with swimbladder treatment in, started swishing again
* after a few mins he zipped off then settled down
So we chose to remove him and save treating the whole tank as everyone else seemed fine. When we got him into the hospital tank we noticed a large lump on the back of his fin. We have been treating him non stop with swimbladder medication and on 03.04.07 (I think, very early april either way) I started to treat him with Flubenol-15 as well as recomended by Ian ( in this post ( ... 87838.html). We've been treating him non stop, he seems to get better, then have swim problems, then get better back and forth. the lump hasn't changed in size, he is still blue and still swimming weird and tilting to the side or having his tail end drift up on him.
Pics from 29.03.07
Red Arrow points to bulge
Red arrow points to widest part of bulge, blue arrow points to base of tail, it sticks out way far...
Quite a dark one but shows where the tail starts and how far the bulge sticks out the best of all the photos.
Here are pics of him and his lump that I took earlier this month: ... eBlue1.jpg ... eBlue2.jpg
What should I do with him? Keep him on his own and keep up with the constant treatment? Put him back with his panda friends (who are all still normal and lump free, also less blue then he is)? or should I be thinking about putting him to sleep? I would guess as there has been no change that it is some sort of tumor and the tumor itself is causing the swimming issues.
Tanks he has lived in:
Tank 1 - Hospital/QT - 02.03.07 to 15.03.07
--Species: 7 Corydoras panda, 5 corydoras aeneus (albino_
--Size: a bit less then 1/2 inch each
--Food: Live blood worm, frozen blood worm, live brine shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, sinking pellets, microworms
--Feeding times: frozen or live food in the morning, pellets or frozen food in afternoon, pellets in the evening
--Temerature range: 24C to 25C/75F to 77F
--pH: 7.2
--GH: no test kit for this test
--KH: no test kit for this test
--Ammonia: 0ppm
--Nitrate: 0.2ppm
--Nitrite: 0ppm
--Water change frequency: 25%-30% weekly
Tank set up
--Size: 27ltr
--Substrate: sand
--Filtration: built in
--Furnishings: small pots to hide in
--How long has it been set-up? used established water and filter from a 6 month old tank
--When was the last new fish added? he was the last fish added late feb to early march
--Is there a heater in the tank? no, the room is heated
Tank 2 - Panda Town II - 15.03.07 - 29.03.07
--Species: 8 Corydoras panda, 6 clown loach
--Size: a bit less then 2/3 inch each
--Food: Live blood worm, frozen blood worm, live brine shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, sinking pellets, microworms
--Feeding times: frozen or live food in the morning, pellets or frozen food in afternoon, pellets in the evening
--Temerature range: 77F to 80F
--pH: 7.4
--GH: no test kit for this test
--KH: no test kit for this test
--Ammonia: 0ppm
--Nitrate: 0.4ppm
--Nitrite: 0ppm
--Water change frequency: 25%-30% weekly
Tank set up
--Size: 40ltr
--Substrate: sand
--Filtration: Fluval 2
--Furnishings: small pots to hide in, plants
--How long has it been set-up? over a year
--When was the last new fish added? 15.03.07 - panda corys
--Is there a heater in the tank? yes
--Symptoms / Problem description: lump on tail base, whole body tilting to one side
--Action taken (if any): placed him in a breeding trap in tank 3, put small pot and sand in breeding trap, and an air stone right in the trap, with a second airstone powering the sponge filter.
--Medications used (if any): Treating with swimbladder treatment from 29.03.07 and added Flubenol-15 to the treatment list on 04.04.07 (give or take a day or two, can't find my sick fish record book)
Tank 3 - QT - 29.03.07 to present
--Species: 1 Corydoras panda
--Size: a bit less then 2/3 inch
--Food: Live blood worm, frozen blood worm, live brine shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, sinking pellets, microworms
--Feeding times: frozen or live food in the morning, pellets or frozen food in afternoon, pellets in the evening
--Temerature range: 77F to 80F
--pH: 7.2
--GH: no test kit for this test
--KH: no test kit for this test
--Ammonia: 0ppm
--Nitrate: 0.2ppm
--Nitrite: 0ppm
--Water change frequency: 25%-30% weekly
Tank set up
--Size: 10ltr
--Substrate: sand
--Filtration: sponge filter
--Furnishings: small pots to hide in, plants
--How long has it been set-up? filter and sand from a tank that's been going for 7 months
--Is there a heater in the tank? No - room heated ... index.html
as you can see in the above pic, all fish are fine and healthy looking except the panda corys are blue where the albino bronze corys are not. I got them together, quarinteined them together, and so on, but they're fine and all lived. Go figure.
Anyway, on 15.03.07 we moved them in with the other panda corys in our downstairs tank. On 19.03.07 he started tilting to one side and having swimming issues, so we treated the tank with half a dose of the swimbladder stuff, did a full corse and he was fine.
On 29.03.07 he started having swimming issues again, basically:
* Fish's back end started floating, had what looked like white spot
* removed and treated for white spot
* noticed white spot vanished, was sand, he went belly up
* started draining tank, and swished him gently in water without touching him as I noticed a large lump at the base of his tail
* went normal
* went belly up again
* put new water with swimbladder treatment in, started swishing again
* after a few mins he zipped off then settled down
So we chose to remove him and save treating the whole tank as everyone else seemed fine. When we got him into the hospital tank we noticed a large lump on the back of his fin. We have been treating him non stop with swimbladder medication and on 03.04.07 (I think, very early april either way) I started to treat him with Flubenol-15 as well as recomended by Ian ( in this post ( ... 87838.html). We've been treating him non stop, he seems to get better, then have swim problems, then get better back and forth. the lump hasn't changed in size, he is still blue and still swimming weird and tilting to the side or having his tail end drift up on him.
Pics from 29.03.07
Red Arrow points to bulge
Red arrow points to widest part of bulge, blue arrow points to base of tail, it sticks out way far...
Quite a dark one but shows where the tail starts and how far the bulge sticks out the best of all the photos.
Here are pics of him and his lump that I took earlier this month: ... eBlue1.jpg ... eBlue2.jpg
What should I do with him? Keep him on his own and keep up with the constant treatment? Put him back with his panda friends (who are all still normal and lump free, also less blue then he is)? or should I be thinking about putting him to sleep? I would guess as there has been no change that it is some sort of tumor and the tumor itself is causing the swimming issues.
Tanks he has lived in:
Tank 1 - Hospital/QT - 02.03.07 to 15.03.07
--Species: 7 Corydoras panda, 5 corydoras aeneus (albino_
--Size: a bit less then 1/2 inch each
--Food: Live blood worm, frozen blood worm, live brine shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, sinking pellets, microworms
--Feeding times: frozen or live food in the morning, pellets or frozen food in afternoon, pellets in the evening
--Temerature range: 24C to 25C/75F to 77F
--pH: 7.2
--GH: no test kit for this test
--KH: no test kit for this test
--Ammonia: 0ppm
--Nitrate: 0.2ppm
--Nitrite: 0ppm
--Water change frequency: 25%-30% weekly
Tank set up
--Size: 27ltr
--Substrate: sand
--Filtration: built in
--Furnishings: small pots to hide in
--How long has it been set-up? used established water and filter from a 6 month old tank
--When was the last new fish added? he was the last fish added late feb to early march
--Is there a heater in the tank? no, the room is heated
Tank 2 - Panda Town II - 15.03.07 - 29.03.07
--Species: 8 Corydoras panda, 6 clown loach
--Size: a bit less then 2/3 inch each
--Food: Live blood worm, frozen blood worm, live brine shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, sinking pellets, microworms
--Feeding times: frozen or live food in the morning, pellets or frozen food in afternoon, pellets in the evening
--Temerature range: 77F to 80F
--pH: 7.4
--GH: no test kit for this test
--KH: no test kit for this test
--Ammonia: 0ppm
--Nitrate: 0.4ppm
--Nitrite: 0ppm
--Water change frequency: 25%-30% weekly
Tank set up
--Size: 40ltr
--Substrate: sand
--Filtration: Fluval 2
--Furnishings: small pots to hide in, plants
--How long has it been set-up? over a year
--When was the last new fish added? 15.03.07 - panda corys
--Is there a heater in the tank? yes
--Symptoms / Problem description: lump on tail base, whole body tilting to one side
--Action taken (if any): placed him in a breeding trap in tank 3, put small pot and sand in breeding trap, and an air stone right in the trap, with a second airstone powering the sponge filter.
--Medications used (if any): Treating with swimbladder treatment from 29.03.07 and added Flubenol-15 to the treatment list on 04.04.07 (give or take a day or two, can't find my sick fish record book)
Tank 3 - QT - 29.03.07 to present
--Species: 1 Corydoras panda
--Size: a bit less then 2/3 inch
--Food: Live blood worm, frozen blood worm, live brine shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, sinking pellets, microworms
--Feeding times: frozen or live food in the morning, pellets or frozen food in afternoon, pellets in the evening
--Temerature range: 77F to 80F
--pH: 7.2
--GH: no test kit for this test
--KH: no test kit for this test
--Ammonia: 0ppm
--Nitrate: 0.2ppm
--Nitrite: 0ppm
--Water change frequency: 25%-30% weekly
Tank set up
--Size: 10ltr
--Substrate: sand
--Filtration: sponge filter
--Furnishings: small pots to hide in, plants
--How long has it been set-up? filter and sand from a tank that's been going for 7 months
--Is there a heater in the tank? No - room heated