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Unidentified catfish....

Posted: 25 May 2003, 03:45
by ChannelCat13
First I would like to say Hi! :D I know this isnt a good idea but I couldnt help it I found a catfish in a local pond and had to bring it to my aquarium.I treared it with all medications before he was placed with my other fish.Here I am 4 months later and hes doing great,theres only one problem.I dont know his species :!: Could someone help me with this,he is dark brown with whiskers all over his face,his bottom whiskers are white,his tail fin is round shaped.If it helps we live in texas and these fish are common around here.Thanks in advance.... :D

Posted: 25 May 2003, 03:52
by ChannelCat13
sorry I dont have a pic :? .I have a DC but cant figure out how to connect it to my computer.If you need any further info on the fish I will get it for you.

Posted: 25 May 2003, 10:33
by Silurus
It sounds like either a yellow bullhead (<i>A. natalis</i>) or a black bulhead (<i>A. melas</i>).